Chapter 8

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Ana’s POV:

From the very second that Manuel had stormed his way out of the restroom in that angry manor of emotion that had completely taken over his being, leaving me alone to suffer, all that I was capable in doing was allowing my body to slide down the sink that I was resting up against. Tears of devastation streaming down the both of my cheeks as I rested my head on the top of my knees, being unable to move even a single muscle or limb of mine due to what I had just witnessed unfold right in front of me. And no matter how hard I tried to control my tears they just would not stop, not even for a second, from falling down my cheeks rapidly. Everything was fine before all of this happened but no, of course down my bad luck it could not have just stayed like it and I went and ruined it all by opening my big mouth to everything – the secret of my past relationship with Marco that was supposed to remain as one.

But why the hell Manuel did not give me the opportunity to explain myself before acting off just as he did is completely beyond me. I knew all along that he was not going to react well at all to what I was telling him as it is his team-mate after all, a close friend. Surely I deserved a chance to make my peace though instead of being blanked after telling him something that pained me to go back on, right? And the one thing out of all of this mess that has got to me the most is the fact that he started to accuse me of things that were not even the slightest bit of truth nor would they ever be. Manuel has got the complete wrong end of things yet he can not see it.

There is no way on this earth that I would ever use somebody as a rebound to get back my ex-boyfriend of many years ago, which is precisely what Manuel has assumed. How he could think so little of me really is absolutely shocking for me to hear and if I am being entirely honest with you, it has hurt a lot. If he would have just allowed and given me the chance to explain myself then neither of us would be in this position as of right now, instead we would have knows exactly what the other feels and is thinking. Already I am starting to care so much for Manuel and if he was not so blinded and wrapped up in the news that I had brought him then perhaps he would have realised and understood that none of this is as it seemed to him at all.

Surely it was some sort of a giveaway to my feelings when I decided to go ahead and confide in him over everything. But no, obviously that was not to be the case as it all turned in the complete wrong direction in what I was originally thinking. This is the last thing that I ever wanted to happen in this situation; Manuel walking out on me and not wanting anything to do with me. I understand from his point of view that it may have seemed something completely different to him but that does not give him the right to walk out on me without staying to speak about it first. All of this has left me absolutely heartbroken and I am led to believe that it is all my fault; if I would have told him sooner then this probably would not have happened. And as I idiotically chose to leave it until a little later on, I am the on that has to pay the price.

Anyway – skipping the whole depressive part – I finally found a small dose of strength inside of me and pulled myself to lean on the sides of the sink for support. Daring to take a glimpse of my myself in the mirror before me, I immediately came with from what was reflecting back at me. I looked like an absolute mess and it honestly looked as if I had been dragged out of a bush backwards. Not to mention the smudged mascara all down my cheeks and the faint pale line to follow from my foundation due to my tears. “What do I look like?” I muttered quietly to myself in a mere whisper despite the fact of being alone, repulsed on what was looking back at me. And right now at this moment there was one place that I wanted to be; home.

Thus, without thinking about my thoughts for even a split second, I grabbed a couple of tissues from beside me and wiped away the blackness from down my cheeks and underneath each of my eyes. But if I am being brutally honest; it did not seem to make much of a different as the make-up was no practically tattooed into my skin due to having dried up already. So with a loud sigh escaping from my lips I soon started to make my way back to the table in hope of getting a lift home from somebody. And yes, despite it being yet again another crazy idea of mine, I did have Marco in mind for that lift home. But in reality, who else was I going to ask? I have only just met these people an hour ago at the least and even though they all of Manuel’s team-mates I do not feel the slightest bit comfortable in asking them.

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