Chapter 38

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Ana's POV:

The sound of my phone going off on the bedside table next to me on a constant basis was to wake me in an instance from my slum, causing me to groan out loudly. Just the thought over how my alarm clock had not gone off yet to wake me up annoyed the hell out of me, as for a simple fact I should not be awake at this time until I am woken for my alarm clock in a sense for me to get up and get ready for work. Letting out another loud groan from my lips I in of a second then to wrap my pillow around my head, trying to block out the annoying sound that was coming from my phone in order to get back to sleep. But knowing that my phone was to not stop rings I knew I did not have much of a choice, groaning and rolling over right in then.

Attempting to adjust to the burning sun shining in through my bedroom window I was to for a couple of moments blink, trying to rid of the blurry vision I was accustomed to, all over the fact of being awake so early. Sitting up in my bed a little I reached for my phone and as I did I noticed exactly who it was that was calling me – Marco – and so my immediate of some of a reaction was to frown, not knowing why the hell he would be calling me at just gone seven thirty. So wanting to know the truth to it I pressed the answer area on the screen right then on my phone, holding it up to my ear. “Hello? Why are you calling me at this time Marco?”

Unknown to how grumpy I must have sounded to him on the phone I heard a loud laugh just then to come from Marco down the phone, and I could only but imagine that he found all of this ever so amusing. Whereas I on the other hand, well I was now on a complete different wave length to him. “Well I just woke up and figured, seeing as you didn’t call me last night when you said you would, that I’d wake up you up as pay back.” All I could do as in of a way of response to his words on the other end of the line then was to groan loudly, closing both my eyes and leaning back against the headboard of the bed. “No I’m joking, the only reason I called you was because I miss you, it’s weird not having you with me like usual that’s all.”

Just from those words right there coming from him, I could not help the large smile in which I had form across my lips. It was refreshing to hear such a thing come from Marco as despite the fact that we have not been apart for even a day yet, I have missed him unconditional of amounts. I guess this just proves how much we mean to one another, that with barely even a long space of time apart, we are crazily and madly missing one another. This is the sort of love which I have always wanted, I have always wanted to have the close and caring sort of a love. The sort where you feel yourself being driven crazy just because you are not then to be with them, wanting to spend each and every living moment with them. That is how I feel.

“Aww baby, that’s really sweet.” Smiling widely like an idiot to myself once I spoke all those short sensed words to him I could not help but bite down softly on my lower lip in doing so, a severe amount of happiness smothering within me. “I’ve missed you too Marco, so much. And I promise you now, I’ll stay at yours again soon ok?” Where in response to my words on the other end of the line he hummed in response, and I could only imagine that he had such of a large smile upon him in doing so. “How was the rest of your day yesterday since I was to leave yours? And I’m really sorry I didn’t call you last night, I just got really tired and just fell straight to sleep after dinner.” And honestly, I feel ever so guilty in not calling him last night.

“Babe seriously, don’t worry about it.” Laughing as he spoke those words down the phone to me, I breathed out in relief. “I understand why you didn’t call me, you’re pregnant babe and you’re going to get tired and forget to do things. It’s only natural.” Smiling to myself as I heard those words come from Marco I nodded my head, despite the fact of knowing he was unable to see it, a hum of agreement to shortly come from me seconds after. I have to now admit to you that it was nice to hear Marco understand, of course my tiredness is not even much of an excuse, but he is still trying to understand. “And I didn’t do much at all yesterday after you’d left, I had Marcel over and we watched TV for most of the day, how about you?”

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