Chapter 5

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Ana’s POV:

Beep, beep. Beep, beep.

The consistent sound of my alarm clock going off in my ear on full volume from the bedside table next to me caused for me to immediately arise from my slum in a flash. Once eventually reopening my eyes from the one peaceful and once deep sleep that I was previously so wrapped up in, I was at that moment to discover that still from the night before I had my phone perfectly propped between both my ear and shoulder due to it being rested in that very same position through the duration of the long phone call that I was involved in between Manuel and I up until the very early hours of this morning. Tired is an understatement. I do not know how this happened as usually whenever I feel the need to drift off to sleep I mostly always get a little warning inside of me. But last night I had nothing, not even a single sense of warning and it seemed to me as if I had blacked out or something. The majority of the time things like this come as a reverse to me, I am always usually the one which gets fallen asleep on and ends up speaking to a dead line. Not the complete opposite which seems to have just so happened to occur this time around, strangely enough.

Anyway, pushing all thoughts to do with Manuel and the conversation that we were having last night to the side for a moment I soon turned my head to the clock perched next to my arms clock on the bedside table. 08:01 was the so called time according to it. And on seeing that I supposedly had forty-five minutes at the very most to get myself up out of bed and ready for word, I immediately breathed out a loud yet fairly heavy sigh of relief from it all. Not once throughout my long serving time of working at this very same café can I recall a single day in which I have ever been dead on time to start ahead of my working day behind the counter. I always have either been late or arrived far too early before the shop even opens, left with no other choice than to wait outside in the freezing cold for Anthony – the manager of the place – to arrive and open up. There never has been a time in between the both of those, never. But today, today I have a strong hope and huge opportunity to turn my curse into reverse as if I put my ass in gear now I could easily make it.

So without wasting any unnecessarily needed time in being the current and usual lazy woman that I am thoroughly prone to be known as by the majority of people around me, I jumped myself out of bed in a rather quick motion. Discarding the dressing gown that I had previously fallen asleep in last night that was over my pyjamas and throwing it down onto the ground around me, I joyfully made my way over to the mirror to sit myself down in front of it. Still not being able to take the phone call with Manuel off of my mind completely, it was magical. And for once after ever so long in life; I finally felt wanted and loved to be significantly accurate.

So I was very much certainly savouring this moment, for however long it may last.

Once I was sat down in front of the mirror and after guiding my hairbrush through my long and rather knotted hair due to the position that I had slept in last night with some expected constant tossing and turning which never comes as a surprise, I started to apply a fair amount of make up to my pale face in order to brighten it up a little and make it look that much fresher for my presumably long day of work that is quickly approaching me. Starting with a reasonable amount of foundation to blend into my face and then only a small but evident amount of mascara to my eyelashes, I finished off my complete look by applying only a small amount of pink lip gloss before standing up to walk over to the pile of my clothes in the corner of the room.

Reaching down onto the floor to grab my clothes and carefully placing them down onto the bed, I immediately started to get myself changed for work. Taking my time in putting each item of clothing on across my body as it seemed from the time on my clock that I was still ahead of schedule. Well, for once in my life anyway. As soon as I was funny dressed and looked at least the slightest bit presentable in taking people’s orders at the café – it is not much of a formal work I know but knowing Anthony he would only moan at me if I looked even the slightest bit tatty – I gathered all of the essentials needed, my phone, car keys and purse to put them in my bag before eventually making my way down the never ending stairs to the kitchen for a spot of breakfast. At least today I will finally, for once, have time to eat before leaving.

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