Chapter 31

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Ana's POV:

Sat downstairs on one of the stools in the kitchen as I ate my breakfast I could not help right in that moment other than to feel this unwanted strain of nerves flood through my entire of a being, nervous in the sense of what sort of a day is ahead of me. I know what you might as of now be thinking; what is she going on about? And honestly I do not blame you, from that way I am going about all of this – not explaining a single thing to you as of yet – it is obvious you are bound to come over confused by all of what might be going on at the moment. So in a way to stop all the confusion from floating within your mind, I will proceed to explain it all.

As you all know I had that interview at the hospital ahead of the receptionist job – which as of now was roughly a week ago – and I was more nervous than I could have ever been for it, I thought I was going to walk away without a single thought coming from their mind as if to hire me or not as quite frankly I did not think I was good enough. But luckily enough for me, I seemed to have thought things over a little too much. All the nervous thought which I was having seemed to not be worth it at all, as the interview went the complete opposite was to how I thought it would. Surprisingly enough they offered me the job, yes me, a job as one of the receptionists at the hospital. And of course I took it without any hesitations over all of it.

Right in this moment now I am no longer unemployed, finally I have another job to follow in with the one I used to have at the café. And honestly I could not be happier, finally now I am able to go out and earn my own money without the thoughts of having a severe budget on a constant basis running through my mind whenever I am out shopping weakly. Of course I do know I will have to put some money aside now for my expected baby but that really is not in a slight way something I am worried about, it will all be worth it. My baby needs all the little essentials a happy baby is in need of, and that is exactly what I will give. Maybe this sort of a pregnancy is not what I originally had in mind but I would not change any of it for the world.

But anyway, as to my nerves right now in this present moment, there is an obvious reason in why I am feeling like it. That being the fact of starting out at a brand new job, surrounded by a load of people which I do not know. And honestly, it is such a scary and nervous feeling of which I have been brought upon now. This of course was bound to happen at some point in my life though, no matter what job of the many I applied for accepted me I was going to be the new one on the first of starting, always. With each of the jobs I did not know even just a slight person in which worked there, meaning that no matter where I went I was going to be having to make new friends all around me. And maybe, that is not bad after all thinking of it.

So all in all this is a brand new start for me, a start where I am going to be independent over all of which I do no matter what. And perhaps it will be good for me, a lesson even, a chance to show me that life is not just a walk in the park like I had it at the café. Of course my life in the surroundings of the café were not a walk in the park really with Sarah working there, but at the hospital I am going to be given far more bigger jobs to do other than just giving out all the orders to people. My new job requires so much more; sorting appointments times out in which of the days people come in, different reports of the goings on around the hospital and also far bigger and better things. Without me at reception things will not at all run smoothly.

Anyway, finishing my cereal for breakfast I stood up and placed the bowl and also the spoon inside the dishwasher, making my way upstairs to my room in order to get changed into all I would wear for work today. And seeing my clothes laid out on the bed I walked over to it, in that moment pulling on my dress over a fresh pair of underwear, partnering it with a blazer and a pair of heels to match. So once I was changed and had applied all which I would call a reasonable amount of make-up and my hair was to perfection I picked up my bag off of the bed and placed the straps on the crease of my arm, making my way down the stairs so that I could leave via my car. But still, the nerves within me were still not disappearing as of now.

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