Chapter 24

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Ana's POV:

On waking up to the sound of an ever so slight snore coming from beside me I groaned in an annoyed sort of way, turning to the direction in which it was coming from with now both of my eyes to be opened. But only to find Manuel led there beside me, his mouth opened wide and loud snores constantly coming out from it just as I had been woken up to. Right now if I am to be entirely honestly with you I cannot hold my frustration, being woken up in such a way is bound to annoy anybody. But taking into consideration the lack of sleep which I had last night due to the constant worrying and shock of finding out that I am indeed now to be pregnant, it really has taken its toll on me all that much more now. Annoying me all to hell.

Sitting up on my elbows over him I was just about to wake Manuel up to stop the horror of a noise which was coming from him – the snoring – but I was stopped in doing so, all down to the fact of that familiar feeling emerging up from my stomach. The feeling of sickness, and I knew that no matter how much I did not want to I was going to throw up. So immediately to be shooting up from the bed I ran into the direction of the bathroom, covering my mouth as I luckily enough made it before allowing the scummy liquid to escape out in a rush from my mouth and into the toilet pan. Heaves all but coming from me as I continued over and over again, sweating from all in which was happening to me. I have to admit, I really do hate this.

Just the fact of feeling like this is enough to make me constantly feel like shit through all the rest of the day. As just like everybody else I can imagine, I really do hate throwing up. But as I am now pregnant I guess I will have to get used to this now, throwing up is now going to be second nature to me. Whether I like it or not I am going to have this sickness throughout the day a lot now, it is nature. So instead of constantly moaning and groaning about it within of my mind whenever it happens, I will just have to find my own way to deal with it happening whenever it does. As right now, I really do not have much of a choice with it occurring now.

Leaning on the toilet seat using my elbows once finishing throwing up I found myself now to be heavily breathing in sequence, my eyes closed with dampness underneath them all down to the strain I was once partaking in. But then came an ever so familiar voice, one in which I recognised right in that instance. “Ana, are you ok?” Yes, if you guessed it being Manuel you are correct. And right in that second there he came, walking in to crouch beside me and also holding my hair back. Clearly thinking that for whatever reason I may have needed this extra help in hand. “I heard you throwing up from your room when I woke up, are you not feeling any better from last night then?” To which I froze for a second, shaking my head soon after.

“I’ll feel better soon don’t worry, it will pass.” Shrugging my shoulders at him I stood up and made my way over to the sink in the short corner of the room, getting my toothbrush out of the pot and squirting some toothpaste on it before proceeding to brush my teeth. In my way of ridding this horrific taste circulating the insides of my mouth. And as I continued to brush my teeth it did not take long for me to feel the present of Manuel behind me, as his arms to wraps themselves around me from behind. To which as an immediate reaction as of the fact of finding out I was pregnant I flinched back, not knowing why I had made it so obvious now to him. “I’m sorry but…” I paused. “Anyway, how come’s you were in Dortmund last night?”

“Hang on a minute, are you sure you’re only feeling ill…like there’s nothing else wrong with you now?” The second in which those words came out from his mouth I nodded my head in a way of agreeing with him that I was just ill, noticing as he furrowed his eyebrows from his own way of response from the reflection of the mirror. But after taking a couple of seconds in silence, Manuel soon relaxed around me again. “Ok then, well I was taking care of some business around here so I decided to pop in and see you for the night then. Considering as I won’t be able to see you for a while with the World Cup coming up soon.” Nodding my head at him I smiled slightly through the mirror, placing my toothbrush back in the pot soon after.

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