Chapter 22

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Ana's POV:

Here it is, my last and final day of working at the café. My week is now up as to where I had no choice other than to give my job up, all thanks to Sarah and her wicked ways. Believe me when I say this but I did not want to actually leave my job anymore, although with what that bitch had said to me I no longer had a choice. She was right; even if I was to tell Anthony the real reason as to why I took time off I would not be left with a job at the end of it. He would have just fired me right there and then due to how he is, so really this is a lose lose situation for me. Sure there are other jobs I can take up, but I will be on my own. No Jess beside me.

I know I should not have let her win in this – finally getting the better of me and doing what it was she had set out to do for a long time, but it is no longer in my own hands. She has far too many things over me and will simply just make my life a living hell if I am to stay, so now I guess it is the start of a brand new chapter of my life. A brand new chapter in which is now leading for me to start a fresh, away from the burden and bad events of my life. Sure I may find myself being happier with this new aspect of my life but it will not be the same, I have worked at that café for many years now. All coming in the package of good and bad sorts of events but I would not change it, I have enjoyed it but it is time to close a chapter of my life.

So pulling myself out of bed with a loud groan due to how tired I am I did not bother now to even remove the duvet from around me, instead I kept it hugged around my body in just my underwear from the lazy night before as I made my way downstairs. Walking through inside the kitchen I proceeded in walking ahead to the many cupboards, trying to find myself some breakfast. Not having the energy nor the time to cook something up which would easily get me through the day I went with simply a couple of doughnuts and some chocolate milk, just wanting something to help me get through a couple of hours or so. So sitting down up at the kitchen island in front of me with the duvet still wrapped around me, I proceeded in eating.

But as soon as I started eating my mind drifted elsewhere, to an aspect of life that I really do not wish to think about by any means. Although I did not have any control over it, and all of the thoughts started clouding within my mind. Thoughts to do with the dramatic fact over if I cannot find a job, what is nobody takes me on, what the hell will I do then? As if it was ever to happen to me then I am sure I would have no other option than to sell the house, sell it in hope of getting some decent money to live off. Of course I am aware that I have all Marco’s support but nothing severe would ever be able to happen, I would not be able to move in if it was to ever come to that. What the hell would Manuel think if it was all to come to that?

Knowing Manuel he would force me to move in with him if he ever found out that I was now having money troubles, I also know for a fact I would not be able to say no if it would come to that. Well, not without causing any suspicion at least anyway. Why I am thinking of such a thing now I do not know, for all I am aware of it may not even come to that, but there is just a small chance in this world that it would. Besides, I am near enough certain I will be able to find at least one place to take me on for a job. There has to be, right? But anyway like I said a little earlier; who knows if this will ever happen? Knowing what I am like I am just thinking too much into it, something in which I have a bad habit of doing in any bad sort of situation.

Coming back into my face of reality once I had finally finished my rather unhealthy breakfast I stood up from the kitchen island stood, walking over to the dishwasher in order to rid of all of my dirty dished inside of it there. And as soon as I had turned it on it was then in which I then made my way back up the stairs again, still with the duvet from previous wrapped the way around my body enabling me to start of getting ready for my last and final day of work at the café. In all honesty with you the thought of leaving the workplace after so many years there is depressing, this end of an era as you would is an emotional step in my life. I am used to getting up early in the morning to see to all of the customers, but now, it will be different.

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