Chapter 25

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Ana's POV:

Two weeks it has been since I spent the day out with Jess, two weeks since I had told her all about my unexpected pregnancy with Marco’s baby, two weeks down the line and I am still not sure of what to make of my life and how it has all taken a dramatic turn of events. Never did I expect something so big and eventful would occur in my life, I did not expect for even a minute that I would turn pregnant from a situation like this. I had always imagine the time I would find out I am pregnant to be the best day of my life, not having a mix of emotions due to it, I thought I would have been in a happy and also stable relationship when I was then to be greeted with this news. But no, of course as we all know, that is not the case for me now.

Ever since that conversation with Jess in the café she has been non-stop calling me and also texting me, asking me what I am going to do and when I am going to break the news to not only Marco but also Manuel. And honestly, I do not know if I have it in me to break all of the horrific news to him. Yes, I know that he of course has a right to know, but I am not sure if I am able to do it, as the last thing I want to do after everything is break his heart all so much more. So that is exactly why I have decided to take some time out for myself, taking some of my free time out to work out where my head is at and what I want. That is why I am now to be finding myself sat on a flight, a flight heading towards to the destination now of Portugal.

Thankfully once explaining to my mother I needed to see desperately with these unexpected events in my life which have occurred – not telling her what it is that has happened to me of course – she offered to pay for my flight to Portugal and back to Dortmund again, after I had got her aware of my financial issues as of the moment. Really if I am being honest with you I need my mother’s perspective on things, I need her in some sort of way to help me in what I should do with this situation I am in. Of course she is going to be shocked to say the least in finding out what I will tell her but she is my mother after all, she is the one person that is to know me better than anybody, she will hopefully help and point me into the right direction.

On opening my eyes from the sound of the voiceover here on the plane telling me and all of the other passengers that we had landed safely and for us to start making our way off of the plane I soon did so, picking up my one item of luggage allowed with me on the flight from in front of my legs before quickly standing up and walking off the flight. Once I was inside here in the airport and had got my suitcases from the baggage carousel I made the short walk to outside, my phone in hand as I sat down on one of the very many benches as I was then in a wait for my mother. But then it hit me, something which I needed to do as it happens to be.

So letting my suitcases rest down by my feet I unlocked my phone from being rested on top of my lap, only to get Marco’s number up – seeing as he had asked me to call him as soon as I got off the flight – and putting my phone to my ear once calling him. It did not take long at all for him to answer, just a couple of rings, until that husky morning voice of his was all that I could hear. “Hello?” And to me it seemed as if he did not know it was me here on the other end of the line, or so I though originally at least. “Oh sorry babe, I’ve just woken up and my head isn’t in the right place.” Laughing down the phone to me I could not help but smile, all due to that perfect yet croaky laugh coming from him then. “Anyway, how was your flight?”

“Yeah it was good thanks, well, as good as it can be of course considering how much I hate flying.” Letting a small laugh out from my lips as I uttered those words I heard the same one of Marco’s croaky and husky-like laugh coming from his own on the other end of the line, to which caused for a small smile to appear across my lips. I do not know what it is with his sort of croaky and husky laugh but it always sends a smile to my lips, all just from the sound of it as well as a slight bitten lip like I am to be doing right in this moment. “You’ve got training a little later on today haven’t you, for the World Cup coming up soon?” To which as I let those words escape out from my lips I sighed a little, not wanting to be alone while he is in Brazil.

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