Chapter 20

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Ana's POV:

Walking through the airport with my single suitcase travelling behind me it was then where I sighed to myself, getting closer and closer to the exit with the strong thought of what was to be behind it playing within my mind. Marco. He was going to be there, to pick me up just as we had planned. And as much as I have missed him throughout what to me felt like a rather long duration of time of being apart, I was dreading it, knowing that he is bound to ask how my time away was. When in all honestly you and I both know how it went – and all in great detail to be precise, Manuel and I becoming an item as I had no other option than to say yes to his proposed word. But how the hell am I expected to break all this twisted news to him?

It will break his heart, Marco will be broken due to the news I have not a single option more than to break to him. Ever if I constantly tell him over and over again that it does not mean anything to me and I had no other choice, he will still be broken. Feeling awfully bad really is an understatement to how I feel right now, as I cannot put words together to describe how I feel. On one hand I wish I was not having to be put in this position now – having to play two men off one another, liking them both, but then again I am glad I met Marco again. It has all proved so much to me. That being how much I truly do love this man, and making me come to the realisation that since our break-up my feelings have stayed the exact same for Marco.

Soon enough and I eventually reached the outside of the airport, stopping by the exit so that I could look around and hope for the sight of Marco to appear in vision. But all to my avail as I could not see him anywhere, Marco was nowhere to be seen within my line of vision. And I must say that the complete takeover of cars on the pick-up area only made matter worse all that worse for me, there were too many that I did not know where to start looking first. But the loud and close beeping of a horn coming from a little further down to where I was then caught my attention, followed by a loud shout of my name coming from inside that specific Range Rover. And as I got a closer look of the tinted black window, it was Marco, hopefully.

With that I soon pulled my suitcase along behind me into the direction of the Range Rover in which has previously beeped and shouted over at me, noticing the familiar number plate as I got all that much closer. It was Marco, for sure, there is no doubt about it anymore. So in a way to be as discreet as possible in unveiling the superstar in the front of the car I got inside as quick as I could once putting my suitcase in the boot, turning to look at Marco over from beside me. “God, I can’t even begin to tell you just how much I’ve missed you.” Smiling over to my direction he wasted no time in pressing his lips softly against mine, making me feel in a way relieved for the blacked out window as I leant over and kissed him more passionately.

As our kiss continued to speed up a little I found myself being forced to sit on Marcos’ lap in a way of straddling him, his hands running up and down my legs as well as moving all much closer to my area. I knew what he wanted and let me tell you, I wanted it to. But not here as there is no way I will be taking part in such an act in a car outside the airport, whether it be with blacked out windows or not it is not happening. So breaking the kiss I looked directly in his eyes, smirking. “Not here, you’ll have to wait until we get back to mine.” So with a rather cheeky look upon me, I got up from his lap to sit back down straight beside him once again.

“Oh you’re inviting me in are you?” Looking to the side at me as he started up the car, it did not take me long at all to nod my head gracefully at him. Smirking and biting my lip as I soon returned the look over, catching him shaking his head and laughing at me in doing so. “Well I guess I should hurry up, as if I have it my way with how you’re looking at me it won’t be at all long until I have you over in that backseat. Showing you just how much I’ve missed you, if you know what I mean.” So with a seductive look coming from the German beside me it led to be my turn to shake my head at him, doing so as we were soon on our short distance trip back to mine. Feeling as Marco reached over to grab my hand, holding it tightly as he drove.

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