Chapter 3

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Ana’s POV:

I gazed out of the window to Manuel’s car as the night’s sky slowly passed the two of us by. The stars perfectly outlining the dark sky that followed us endlessly to our destination ahead of what in my opinion was our first date was nothing beautiful, spectacular in fact. But deep down I am not exactly sure if this is what some may label as a typical ‘date’. A reasonable handful of people may just say that Manuel’s proposal of taking me out tonight is nothing more than a simple friendly gesture. Although in my head it is far for than just that and I am to be thinking the complete opposite to those people seeing as I have already mentioned; in my own personal opinion this is a date and I am going to believe that until proved otherwise. Whether he just so happens to think the exact same as I do is a complete different story and is completely unknown to me, well for the time being anyway I guess so.

Throughout the drive to our mystery destination that I had no idea what so ever as to where we were heading it was reasonably quiet inside of the car. But yet for some strange and unknown reason I found no awkwardness what so ever amongst the two of us if there were only unspoken words between the both of us and nothing more than that. Just the sound of the radio vaguely playing away to itself through the speakers and the sound of our breath cascading out into the open was all that could be heard within the spacious surroundings to the car. And everything other than that was in a little rhythm of itself between a pure and peaceful ray of silence.

It was perfect as to how I just so happened to already feel so comfortable around this man after barely even uttering the right amount of words to him on the one in particular specific night that we are to be sharing with one another. I mean, yes we have of course spoken but not to the extreme that some would deem as acceptable on a first date. Yet that somewhat did not seem to bother either of us and especially Manuel seeing as every now and then I would catch him taking a glance over at me with a wide and almost loving smile pressed across his lips through staring out of the reflected window of the car constantly. And just from the smallest of simple looks from his behalf I could not help but catch myself smiling like an idiot from it all without a care in the world as to if he was to see me or not. As right at this point I really not care less if he did or not. It really has struck me as amazing as to how I have found this familiar yet strange feeling of butterflies start to attract back into the pit of my stomach after going so long, years in fact, of feeling the same buzzing feeling that they bring.

And I have to admit that it had been a long while since I have felt even close to the happiness that I am feeling now. Even if I tried I really do not think that I could be any happier. I have come to the realisation already that when I am in Manuel’s presence I am possibly the happiest woman in the world and never do I want that to end. I want it to stay with me forever, or as long as deemed possible I suppose.

“You really do look absolutely beautiful tonight Ana.” I heard the sound of a heavy German accented voice fill up the air from beside me, distracting me from my continuous staring out of the window and to the peaceful night sky. Turning my head towards the direction in which I had found the voice coming from – to Manuel – an even wider smile was quick to make its presence known across my lips as just shortly after he had spoken those exact words I felt him place a soft hand on my knee, squeezing it slightly with a pearly white smile back at me. I immediately felt myself beginning to blush as I had fully processed the words that had come from him, he had called me beautiful. Me, just your average day to day female has been called beautiful by possibly – in my opinion – one of the most attractive men to have ever walked this earth. Sorry but things like this are just so overwhelming for me and I am far from used to getting compliments like that. And so I looked down, to the flooring of the car and met the sight of my heels as I gazed down at them. Admiring the thick and long heel that they had to them as a part of my outfit choice but as hard as I tried I just could not bring myself to act normal. And so I bit my lip softly to let my girly side gradually start to get the better of me at long last.

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