Chapter 6

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Marco’s POV:

I sat at the table at the back of the café in complete silence with myself as I ran my index finger around the rim of my cup of coffee that Ana had brought over to me just a matter of minutes ago along with my plate of doughnuts. No words came out of her mouth though, just what seemed to be a forced smile. As much as it pains me to see how things have turned out between the two of us, I can not blame her for her actions at all. I am the one that ruined things between us all those many years ago, I am the one that walked out on her and did not make any time and effort in trying to see her after I moved away and I most certainly am the one that ended our once happy and once perfect relationship. Why I did such a thing is still a mystery to me.

Just having Ana in front of my very own pair of eyes in person after so long of being apart from her seems surreal to me. None of it seems as if it is actually happening, it is like a dream, a dream that I never ever want to wake up from. Finally, after seven years of being without each other, I have her here in front of me again. But not in the way that I would have imagined all of those years ago, if it was how I pictured it to be then we would already be shacked up in our own apartment with perhaps a ring on her finger to prove my love to her. Unfortunately that is not the case though, no matter how much I may wish that it would be. I was the fool to let somebody as amazing as Ana to slip through my fingers. Seeing her here now makes me realise how much of an idiot I was when I left her. The life we could have proceeded to have in the future, the happiness that we could have shared, it is all gone because of me.

No matter what happens in the near future I know that I will always love Ana, she was my first love after all. And through these years that have past without us having one another by our sides, I have not felt the same compared to what I felt back when we were happily together, not even close to it. If I am being honest now, I really do not think that I ever will. She has her very own special place in my heart and forever she will stay. Others will come and go but Ana, she will always be in there forever.

But all of a sudden a voice came from beside me to distract my long train of thought that I was once having, a voice that I can not say was the slightest bit familiar to me. “Can I get you anything else, perhaps another coffee or even a doughnut?” On turning my head to beside me so that I was facing the direction of the voice, I came face to face with a woman, one that is presumably another waitress that works here by the looks of the clothes that she was wearing – your typical and average café worker clothing. Her long and golden brown locks tied up into a loose bun on the top of her head as she smiled down at me from my seat. But the longer that we looked at one another, the wider that her smile got and I must admit that it was a little weird. I know that I am of course used to being looked at, stared at and smile at by other people but this, well this was taking it to a complete brand new sort of level.

“Erm no…I’m fine thank you. I’m actually just waiting for someone.” I forced a smile back at her before facing back in front of me again; hopeful that maybe she would just get the hint and walk away to carry out her job. But hoping did not seem to be enough for me; it was like I needed some sort of a miracle of something because she was not budging a muscle away from me to leave me in peace. She just stood there beside me, endlessly gazing down at me like she had never seen what some may class as a celebritybefore. I honestly felt as if I was a prime victim for the next murder of a serial killer, this woman beside me being the murder. “But if I need anything I’ll be sure to come over.” I followed up with, praying that she would leave me be and carry on with her shift, or better yet, hoping that Ana’s would finish soon.

Nothing seemed to be going in my way of reasoning today, as the second after I had finished speaking I noticed as she came and sat right in front of me. Still that large smile plastered right across her lips as she rested her hands on her cheeks, seemingly trying to look deep into my eyes. But not under any circumstances would I allow for it to happen as quite frankly it was a little weird in how she was acting to me and so I simply just gazed out of the window to my right. “You know, it’s not everyday that we get somebody like you come into our café.” She came out with, causing my attention to flood back to her with my eyebrows furrowed. “I mean, sure we have some other Dortmund players come in every now and then as we are of course situated in the heart of Dortmund. But they are nowhere near as charming as you.”

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