Chapter 18

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Ana's POV:

The roaring of the crowd surrounded me as I sat in my seat, clapping both sets of players off the field as the final whistle blew. Bayern were victorious over SC Freiburg with four goals to none leaving them top at the Bundesliga table. And if I am being entirely honest with you as of right now, despite not being football’s biggest fan, I actually really did enjoy myself at the game this afternoon. It was nothing like I would have expected, full of cheers, roars, chants, the crowd screaming their team’s name loudly at the top of their lungs. And if this is how it is usually at every game then I honestly would not mind coming again, going to all Manuel’s matches which I can attend. Better yet, even the home games of Marco’s back in Dortmund.

Although thinking about it now, perhaps that will not be a good idea. I mean even if I am not in the public eye I am sure that the media will catch a quick picture of me with Marco if I did choose to go and see Dortmund play. As there is no way that I could see myself just turning up and watching them without going to see Marco afterwards, there is no way. So with this whole thing with Manuel – him banning me to see Marco now after opening up to him over all that once happened between us, I know for a fact that he would not appreciate it by any means at all. Perhaps I will just stick to cheering Marco on in front of a TV, yes, cheering him on in the comfort of my own home with as much food surrounding me as I can possibly find.

For now at least anyway I need to keep my meetings of Marco a secret, between the two of us so nobody can find out. The last thing I want is Manuel to find out, coming to term of the fact that I have been going behind his back to see the one man which he categorically asked for me not to see ever again. But despite as stupid as it may sound to some I can see exactly where Manuel is coming from; after telling him all about my past relationship with Marco as well as what happened when I thought Manuel had broken things off with me it is expected of him, he is afraid of what might happen again between us if we are given a chance from it.

Once the teams had been off of the field for a reasonable amount of time I soon started to make my way down to outside of the changing rooms as Manuel had asked for me to meet him at, getting lost on my way a couple of times but managing to find it with the help of all of the directions dotted around everywhere. After almost a minute or so of standing by the door to wait for Manuel he soon appeared, a beaming smile smothering his lips once he had pulled me to him. “Well someone’s happy.” Giggling I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, playing with the damp hair there from the shower he just had I imagine. “You look really happy actually, perhaps the happiest I’ve seen you.” Smirking, I kissed his nose softly.

“That’s not possible actually.” Smiling at me he rested the both of his hands firmly on top of my ass cheeks, not bothering about any of the passers-by and the wolf-whistles coming out of all of his team-mates mouths. “The happiest I’ve ever been is the moment you agreed to going out with me that night at the restaurant I took you to.” As those words came out from his lips the smile smothered all across my lips grew wider, giggling, looking down and biting down on my lip while I blushed. What can I say? Despite all that is going on with Marco, this man can still bring a blush to my face. “Oh look at you.” Laughing, he stroked my chin. “But come on you, let’s go back so we can get ready to go out and celebrate the victory tonight.”

To which I nodded my head and smiled, removing my arms from round the back of Manuel’s head in order to clap his hand firmly in mine. Our fingers immediately tangling together just a matter of seconds after. “I couldn’t agree more, you played amazing and you definitely do deserve a good celebration tonight.” And as we walked our way out of the stadium hand in hand I looked up at Manuel for a second, a questioning and quizzing look upon my lips in the perfect line the sat it. “Where are we meeting your team then? I mean we’re going to be out celebrating with them, right?” Shaking his head at me Manuel returned the same look at me into my eyes, smiling. “What, so it’s going to be us? Just the two of us without your team?”

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