Chapter 10

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Ana’s POV:

Work; I can think of so many other places that I would prefer to spend my day other than there. Perhaps staying in my pit all day long or even a spot of shopping, just the girly side of life really. But no, I have no other option than to attend the hell chamber that I like to call work. Where I am constantly ridiculed on a daily basis for no sort of reason what so ever, when really everything bad that goes on at the café is down to one person and one person only, Sarah. She is the only person there that should get moaned and shouted at but does she? No, she does not. And the only reason that I can think of as to why is because she is fucking my boss, yes she is fucking Anthony.

Now, I am not actually certain on this little theory but to both me and Jess it only just makes sense, do you not think? It is only common sense to think something like this when I have witnessed with my own eyes the way that Anthony favours Sara. And to make things worse for me today, karma really has come and bit me in the ass. As you of course know that yesterday Marco called in sick for me so that we could spend all day together. But now, well I have woken up this morning feeling like complete and utter shit all of a sudden. So if this is not my own dose of karma, then from here on out I am completely oblivious to the real meaning of the word if I am entirely honest.

Letting a heavy sigh escape from my lips once applying the finishing touched to my make-up, luckily avoiding anything from projecting out of my mouth as I heaved, I sluggishly dragged myself over to the bed. Once grabbing my bag off of the bed and placing it on my forearm, I proceeded to exit my room for work with the little effort that I had left in me. But before I was able to walk any further, there was something that stopped me dead in my tracks. It was the sound of my phone, going off on repeat from inside of my bag. So stopping in my current stance, I started rummaging through the inside of my bag in search of finding my phone to answer whoever it is.

And once having it held in my hand, the caller ID showed that it was Jess. Great, this could either be extremely good news for me or the reverse; ridiculously bad news.

“Hello, Jess?” I let out in a slight mumble from the opposite end of the phone to her. And with a roll of the eyes due to her lack of response in any sort of way, I slowly wondered back over to my pit again where I laid myself down onto it and spread out like a starfish. But the longer I waited; there was still nothing from her end of the line besides the mumbling of people around her. “Hello, Jess?” Again repeating myself, I was left with the same response; none what so ever. “For fuck sake Jess, will you just stop playing games with me and answer when I call your name? I need to get myself to work and fast before Anthony literally bites my head off for being late yet again.”

It seemed to me as if shouting at her had actually worked, as right at that second she finally responded to me at last. “Wow Ana, there’s no need to shout.” Jess came out with in a rather shocked tone of voice, followed by a small huff shortly after. “I’m right here so please, inside voices.” I swear I could have literally darted to where she was at this point. The fact being that she was the one that was not answering me yet is in the position to moan at me? I do not think so I am afraid. Like I said earlier; this really is not my day and therefore I am not being held responsible for the way I act around people. “I’m not trying to rush you but, when will you be arriving at work?”

“I’m not sure Jess.” Was my simple response to her as I sat back on the edge of the bed again. Still having the straps to my bag perfectly placed onto my forearm as I held my phone in the opposite hand, rolling my eyes. “I was just about to leave when you called me to make sure that I wouldn’t be late so Anthony couldn’t find anything to moan at me over today. But no, just like every other time I’ve been sidetracked.” Letting a breathy sigh escape from my lips into my hands as they covered my face, I twisted my body around to gaze over at the small clock on my bedside table. As my eyes drifted onto the bright red digits, I sighed louder. I was ten minutes late, shit.

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