Chapter 1

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Ana’s POV:

Have you ever been so in love with somebody that hurts both physically and emotionally? Fallen head over heels in love with them since that very first moment the two of you laid eyes on one another? Haven’t been able to picture yourself being without that one and only special person in your life? Thought that nothing would and ever could break the strong and intense bond that the two of you once shared?

Well from somebody with experience in situations like this, I am telling you that the term ‘love’ is not what it is cracked up to be like certain rom-com movies portray it to be, far from it. Yes there are plenty of happy moments involving the feeling which will make you smile and laugh with that one person you expect to remain by your side but what a lot of those movies do not show is the heartache, tears and pain which isn’t short to follow the lovey-dovey stage. They leave all the romantic category of movies with happiness and a load of false hope at the end of them. Not showing you the true and devastating reality of ‘love’. They crack it up to be something amazing and breathtaking, which it can be, but are not showing the full depth of this emotion. Just picking and choosing the happy parts, leaving you completely oblivious to the pain it holds. And let me tell you now, from plenty of experience, there is nothing happy and joyful to crying yourself to sleep near enough each and every night for months on end over somebody that has chosen off their own back to leave you and the fairly happy lifestyle the two of you once shared. It is the worst possible emotion in which anybody could ever experience, pain, whether it be physically or even emotionally, something that I wouldn’t even dream of seeing an enemy of mine go through. No matter whom that person is, whether I like them or not, nobody deserves to feel worthless and unwanted.

But the thing is, no matter how long it may have been if you truly loved that one person to the ends of the earth then nothing, I repeat nothing, should ever stop you from reminiscing every once in a while over the happy memories the two of you once shared together. It may all be just be the odd memory to you now and nothing more but if you remember correctly you were once living it and having the time of your life, not wanting to look back at any moment. All of the memories and old times may not mean a single thing to you anymore but what you need to remember is that when you were living that once happy life previously, you never wanted it to end. You wanted it to stay forever. So there is no shame in thinking back years from now and imagining how life used to be and how it changed so rapidly in such a short space of time. It is a natural thing to do and I am definitely held guilty for doing so.

You see, this time seven years ago I had it all; a carefree life and the perfect relationship to top it all off, with none other than Marco Reus. I know what you’re all probably thinking right now ‘seven years is such a long time so why are you still moping over a past relationship?’ Well that is a very good question as I do tend to ask myself the same thing each and every time I find myself thinking of our three long years together. But I guess that when you are with somebody from such a young age, fourteen, and having a long lasting relationship with that one person then of course you’re going to consistently remember little bits about them. Heck, just the smallest things I do in day to day life remind me of Marco so it is extremely hard to forget about him completely, no matter how long it may have been. And yes, Marco and I were High School Sweethearts, the couple which nobody ever imagined to fall apart. But of course all good things are to come to an end eventually and that is most certainly what happened with us, in the worst possible way imagined.

I had everything that I could have ever wished for but all was torn away from me in a blink of an eye one night and no matter what I neither did to try and change what was happening before me, there was nothing I could nor say to stop it all. To explain a little further, it all went a little along the lines of this:

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