Chapter 13

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Ana's POV:

Sat up at the table in the staffroom beside Jess as Anthony and Sarah were ahead of the pair of us, I found myself struggling in keeping a straight face from what I had witnessed with my own two eyes. I mean I know I was fully aware from the start they had a little thing going on behind closed doors – just as Jess was, but I never did I expect nor want to see what the two of them get up to in their spare time. And although has a blanket covering their modesty, it still made me feel sick to my stomach and quite frankly I never ever want to see anything of the sort again. It is an imagine which I want to erase from my memory as soon as possible, never to relive again, but the looks on their faces was nothing short of extremely amusing.

Biting down on my lower lip in order to control the ever so desperate laughter from slipping out of my mouth, it seemed to me as if Jess from beside realised it straight away. She soon nudged me with her elbow, looking at me with a death glare as if to demand me to keep my mouth shut. So focusing my full attention back on the disgusting pair in front of me, I had no other option than to remain as calm and composed as possible to see what their plead may be. “We can assure you that what the both of you saw is not what it seemed, Sarah just got locked out of her apartment and had nowhere else to go.” Raising my eyebrows, I smirked. “And it would have been inappropriate for her to stay at mine, so I offered to stay with her.”

Just as I was about to butt in to express my opinions and thoughts over this I was unable to as Sarah beat me to it, giving me a death glared snarl before beginning to speak. “I know it doesn’t exactly make sense and isn’t believable, but I promise what Anthony is telling you is nothing but the truth.” Leaning back on the chair I was sat on I let out a sarcastic laugh full of disbelief, shaking my head at how these two honestly thought that the words which they were saying were going to make us believe otherwise. “I know we don’t exactly see eye to eye Ana and you’re probably relishing in the fact of seeing us together like that. But it isn’t what you think, it’s a complete misunderstanding and is definitely far from what it seems.”

“Ok, if it isn’t what it seems then how do you explain that you were both naked under that blanket then?” Crossing my arms against my chest as I sat back even further on the chair I was sat on, swinging on the legs as I huge smirk filled the space of my lips. To which neither of them spoke up, somewhat depending on the other to come up with another lie in order to get themselves out of this mess. Simply proving to Jess and I that we witnessed is exactly what it seems. “See, I knew it. The both of you can’t lie your way out of this one I’m afraid. And I wonder how your General Manager will feel about this situation Anthony.” Smirking evilly to myself I stood up from my chair, a proud look upon my face as I headed to the door.

But being stopping by the begging voice of Anthony, I was forced to turn back around as the smirk upon my face was still there. “Ana stop! I mean, what really makes you think he will listen to a word you have to say? It’s your word against our and I’m sorry but I think he’ll be more likely to listen to me than you.” Acting all proud in himself a smirk soon to be across his lips, leaning back on the chair he was seated on. To which I sat myself back down again, listening to what he had to say. “Just think about it, there’s no way he’s going to take time out to listen to you over me. He’ll think you’re doing it out of spite to take my job from me.”

“Oh please, don’t flatter yourself.” Shaking my head over the words which came from him it was in that moment as to when a thought came to mind, allowing the smirk upon my lips to grow wider as I leant across the table to him. “You’re right he won’t take my word for it no. But perhaps he’ll take CCTV evidence as enough for him believe me.” As those words came out from my lips both Anthony and Sarah looked at one another, their mouths hide opened wide in sock as I sat myself back down in my seat with a smug look upon me. Looking over at Jess sat beside me as I noticed her shake her head at me, but not in a sense of disbelief as it seemed as if she was almost proud of the words in which had just escaped out from my lips.

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