Chapter 21

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Ana's POV:

“What the hell do you want me to say now exactly, that I’m over the moon in happiness for the both of you?” Raising his voice rapidly and loudly at me I say back ever so slightly on the sofa, not enjoying this moon in which I am now finding Marco to be in. But in a way who can blame him? I mean if he were to be in my position and me in his – having two woman on the go and trying to make the both of them happy, then I easily for an easy fact would be taking all of this news just as bad as he is now. If not just as bad, then possibly a lot worse if that is even in the question. “I’m sorry Ana but I can’t understand what the fuck was going through your mind back then. Do I not mean anything to you? Because that’s how it all now seems.”

The second in which those words escaped from Marco’s lips I felt my heart drop down deep into the pit of my stomach, breaking from the evident cause of how I have made him feel to all the news I have now broke to him. This was never my intention, the last thing that I ever wanted to happen was to make Marco feel like this, in some twisted and fucked up way I did think that perhaps Marco would understand. Maybe get the reason in which I had now done this to him, to fight off all the suspicions caused by Manuel. But really that is not how it has all panned out for me, he has taken it the complete wrong way. The way in which I dreaded he would take it, the way that would break his heart in two just as it already has done now.

So letting out a breathy sigh I moved to sit as close as possible to Marco, holding his hand in mine forcefully. And much to my surprise due to all in which has happened, he did not even try to pull away, instead keeping my hand held in that of his boiling one. “Marco please, the last thing I ever wanted was to make you feel like this.” Speaking in a soft and calm voice as I softly caressed his hand I did not receive any form of a response from the German beside of me, instead he remained quiet and stared ahead towards the TV positioned straight in front of the both of us. “This isn’t something I wanted to do Marco, surely you know me well from all these years to know I’m telling the truth. But really, I didn’t have any choice with this all.”

“You didn’t have a choice…what did he do, force you?” Looking at me in a sense of disbelief it did not take long at all for Marco to pull his hand far away from mine, leaning back against the sofa with his hands resting on his forehead. Deep breaths of evident frustration and also annoyance escaping from those kissable lips of his – although if I was to actually go ahead as of now and kiss him then I really do not think we would appreciate it by any means at all. “It isn’t like he made up your mind for you, you’re your own person after all. You make all your own decisions and don’t let anybody obtain them from you.” Sighing, he looked over at me.

As soon as those words escaped from his lips it was now my turn to sigh, running my fingers all over my face before averting my vision back to Marco again. Only to find him looking on back at me, a look of disapproval evidently shown upon him. “Marco it isn’t like that at all, I didn’t have a choice to tell him because of what the repercussions might have been, for all I know Manuel might have turned suspicious.” But again instead of answering me, he stayed as silent as ever. “I didn’t say yes to him because I wanted to, that isn’t the case at all, but I said it because I felt I didn’t have a choice. Do we really want Manuel becoming suspicious over us like he was as soon as he found out about our past? No, but that’s just my opinion.”

“Well maybe telling him what’s really going on would be the best thing for both of us Ana, I can’t go on constantly being hurt because you’re trying to please us both.” The second that those words escaped out from Marco’s lips he stood up, running his hands through his hair before looking down at me on the sofa. “Look I’m sorry I’m being like this, but I guess it’s all the shock of what you’ve told me. Let me sleep on it, we’ll speak about it before you go off to work tomorrow.” And without being able to get a single word in edgeways it was then in which Marco disappeared up the stairs, not a single word of a ‘goodnight’ uttered to me as he walked up there. Simply leaving me alone on the sofa, staring off and into his direction.

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