Chapter 41

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Ana's POV:

Pulling my suitcases behind me out of the airport once we has finally arrived in Portugal, I in that moment could not take the large smile away from my lips as I looked at Marco from the side to me. The memories of the passion which the two of us shared on the jet here were all to come back to me, the intensity of it all, nothing short than perfect if I am now to be all of that honest with you. Never have I experienced something as passionate and heart-racing as I did a few hours ago, never have I ever had hot yet passionate sex on a slight before. And so I have to admit to you now, that I am over the moon that I was able to share this experience with Marco. There is no other man on this earth that I would have preferred to share it with.

And I have to admit to you right now that it most certainly has put a lift up onto our mood in consideration to the time we are still awake for – just gone three o’clock in the morning. As I am usually tucked up in bed and fast asleep by this time I thought I would have been in such of a bad mood as a result of it, but that does not seem to be the case at all, as instead I now am to be merely normal. I do not know if it has anything to do with the fact that I will be in a little while be seeing my family, but I am happy. And I guess, of course, it is no secret even in a slight way that my mood has been lifted from the presence of Marco by my side as of now.

So anyway, as we finally got outside to where our taxi should be waiting for us now – only to find that it was not here yet – Marco and I took a seat down onto the bench just underneath a small and covered part to the airport. Pulling me close to him so my head was resting only just against his chest slightly, he whispered in a soft voice to me. “Babe have you got hold of your mum yet, to let her know we’ll be on our way to the house soon?” It was the second in which those words came from Marco that I instantly remembered, slipping my phone out of my bag and getting my mother’s number up to quickly text her. Just as I did so, I heard then as Marco laughed, smirking and looking at me. “You really have got baby brain already Ana.”

It was the second in which those words came from Marco that I looked up at him, now in of this moment to have a death glare pointed over towards his direction beside me. “It’s only a simple mistake. I’ve had other things on my mine…like what went on between us inside the jet for example.” Smirking at Marco then I noticed him wink, a little indication as to the fact that he enjoyed every single minute of it, just as I did. So with that I rested my head more of against his chest again, feeling Marco stroke my hair softly as the two of us looked on to the empty-ish road before us. “Where is this taxi? I just want to get to the house and see all my family.” Breathing out heavy I sighed, groaning from the annoyance I had within me as now.

“Just be patient babe, it will be here in a minute.” Smiling down at me as he spoke all those short ray of words to me I sighed, closing my eyes and trying to relax for the time being. All due to the fact that I know I will need all the relaxation I can get over this next week, all my family really can be such excitable people at times. And as much as I love them, it all does in a sense get quite tiring. In that moment then though, the sound of a car pulling up aside of us both rang through my ears. And as I opened my eyes I noticed that it was in fact to be our taxi. “See, I told you it wouldn’t be long.” So with a smile coming out towards Marco, I stood up, gathering all my suitcases as did Marco, and putting them into the back of the taxi then.

So getting into the taxi then once both of us had put all of our suitcases into the back of it, in that moment I strapped myself in beside Marco and turned to look at the driver in the front. Explaining to him where it was in which we would like to be taken to he nodded his head, all with a smile upon him. So with that he started to drive us there, ahead to the destination of my family home. But as he did so I turned to look at Marco beside me, noticing as he looked a little nervous so it seemed. And I knew exactly why. Thus, I held tightly onto his hand with such a way of support. “Don’t worry about a thing Marco, I know my family are going to give you a hard time at first, but they will learn to love you like I do.” Smiling as I spoke just then.

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