Chapter 34

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Ana's POV:

Just over a week it has been ever since I told Marco about my pregnancy with his own child, two weeks for the words “I’m pregnant” to sink into his system and for it all to become such of a reality to the both of us now. Of course it was bound to sink into my system quicker in a compare to that of Marco, but now the news of my pregnancy is out in the open the both of us can now share this experience together. That is all I have ever wanted but for the fact in a sense of wondering how Marco would react when I told him, I could not enjoy any of this by any means at all. I was a constant worrying mess this time roughly a week ago, wondering in thoughts of if telling Marco that I was pregnant would be the best things I could have done.

But luckily enough all the worry I was feeling back then had subsided when I bucked up all of my courage to tell him the truth, finding out that Marco was indeed just as happy as I would have liked to be. And things have only got better between the two of us ever since I told him I was pregnant, our relationship has taken a toll in a complete new direction. Right now as in this moment of time things are perfect, and I have to admit Marco has been the cutest that I can ever recall him being. It is like just due to my pregnancy and this new step in which now has greeted us in our rekindled romance has made us both grow up, realising what is will be happening in just under seven months now – the birth of our precious little baby girl or boy.

This week has put smiles beyond smiles upon my lips, giving me that severe sense of what I can describe to be butterflies forming in my stomach. Each and every morning which I have woken up since telling Marco I am pregnant I have been greeted with such an amazing sort of feeling, Marco kissing my belly and then myself. It is just small little things like this which send me all girly, the simplest of things Marco could do in a moment such as this one myself and Marco are finding ourselves in now. And if that is not enough then the extra care which I am receiving from him is overwhelming, speaking about our future with our child and also as how much we are both looking forward to this brand new chapter starting in of our lives.

Of course there are times over the course of the past week where he has irritated me to the limit – all by telling me not to lift too many things due to my condition – but I know all down to why he is acting like it, all Marco is trying to do is care for me. And from what all that I can make out from how he is acting over my pregnancy, it has all made him all that much in such a sense of being overprotective towards me. Now, that does not bother me even as in of the slightest of ways as it shows me just how much he truly does care for me now, but as of now Marco needs to think about himself for once. He is injured after all, so he is more important.

Despite all the joy which has been presented upon the two of us over this past week I still in a sense am able to see the hurt and torturing frustration with Marco, all down to the fact of him being injured. And I have been trying with all that I have to try and help him feel better as a therapy for it, yes he does act like he is fine when I bring it up but deep down I know he is not. Marco still does not seem to realise that I can read right into him, like a book. So all in which I am hoping is that for today – the day of our first scan together – to bring him all that sense of happiness which he is in need of, hopefully surfacing the pain of his injury for even a while away from him. That is all which I want, for Marco to honestly be happy for a while.

But with the fact of us going out in public together I have to admit that I am actually ever so optimistic in how our presence could pan out, as after all Marco is extremely well-known in a sense due to his footballing career. And the last thing I want is for the press to snap even a slight shot of the two of us, just in case by chance Manuel does see it over the internet from being in Brazil. Or better yet, someone else sees it and lets him know second hand. I am not as bothered about him knowing about me and Marco because I am of course planning on to be telling him as soon as he is back from Brazil, but I do not want him to hear it from anyone but myself. He deserves to know the truth, but from me and not from anybody else though.

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