Chapter 39

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Ana's POV:

Wrapping a towel around my soaking wet body due to the fact of having just got myself out of the shower ahead of dinner out with the girls tonight I smiled to myself, walking through into my bedroom. In all honesty with you, this really is what I need now, a chance for me to get out and socialise with new people instead of being stuck indoors all the time whenever I am not at work. Marco has been pestering me time and time again as of recent for me to go out with the girls every once in a while, and so this time around I actually chose to take him up on the request. As ever since I left the café a month or so ago now I have not been able to see Jess as much as I would like to and perhaps meeting new people would not be so bad.

Just like I said to Marco when the subject was again brought up when we were out shopping a little while ago today after work; spending time alone and out of work with Leanne as well as Mandy will give me the chance to get to know them better. And so perhaps, somewhere down the line, we could turn into just friends rather than work colleagues. From the way the both of them have acted around me so far, being extremely sweet and caring due to the fact of my condition – being pregnant – it gives off the sort of an impression as to maybe there is such of a way the three of us can be friends. As coming from a workplace in the café where I was friends with someone there and coming to the hospital, it is extremely difficult for me.

But I guess all I can do is wait and see as to how tonight pans out for the three of us, and so I will just have to go by that. I have to admit though that just from the way in which the three of us are with each other at work, things have got to go well. After all, I did fill Leanne into a big part of my life, my real boyfriend and the fact of whose baby I am carrying. And from the way she took it, not judging me, that is an essential of how to figure out if someone actually is to be friend material for you. I may be thinking too far ahead for all I know, but that is the way it all seems to me. Both Leanne and Mandy seem worthy, nice enough towards me too.

Anyway, eventually stepping foot into my bedroom with the towel still wrapped around my body I walked over to sit in front of the mirror in order to begin getting ready for the night in which I had ahead of me. But as I did there was something which caught my eyes, such of an ever so large amount of bags piled up beside me from when Marco and I went shopping as I finished work. All the bags there, besides one or two which were our clothes ahead of both of us going on holiday, were full of baby bits. Of course, they were unisex due to the fact of us not knowing what we are having yet, but nevertheless they were ever so cute. We were even to invest in a pushchair and bed so far, all of which are over at Marco house right now.

From the brief spell of baby shopping earlier on with Marco it really has proved to the both of us as to how much we really do want this, the excitement has been never ending for us as a result of it. Of course, we were excited way before, but not like this. I think the moment in which you buy that first item for your unborn child is when it all becomes real to you. That is exactly what has happened, at first being pregnant did not seem real, but as of now it all of a sudden does. And as far as I am aware of, no paparazzi were around in order to get a snap of Marco and myself while we were out. That was my biggest fear, as you of course are now aware of from how I was. It proves that really, I should have listened to Marco beforehand.

But enough of that though, and back to the present.

Straightening the last handful of strands to my hair I placed the straighteners down onto the mat in which I had beneath me, all to make sure that I did not burn the floor over a result of the head to the straighteners. And so with that I brushes my hair, making sure it was fit as to perfection for the night ahead, reaching over to grab my make-up bag as I unzipped it. Once I had the zipper undone, still in just my towel like earlier on, I proceeded to take out a bottle of foundation I had inside. Applying a small layer of foundation to my face, following it then with a thin amount of mascara and finishing it with my pink lipstick evenly out against of my lips. And as soon as m make-up was fit to how I wanted it, I stood up immediately as then.

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