Chapter 57

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Ana's POV:

I just stared blankly at Manuel in the crowd in front of Marco and I, with not even a word to escape out from my opened lips of pure shock. Never did I ever expect that something such as this would happen, I did not think Manuel would ever find out about me and Marco, all in this sort of way. Like I have said, time and time again; I wanted to be the one to tell him, the one to sit him down with Marco and explain the whole situation to him. But that has all now been taken out of my choice, I do not have the chance to do things in the nicest way. But, in a way, I cannot help the way things panned out, in this way. How was I to know, that all the national team would turn up, unannounced, like this? I was not to know, not in the slightest.

But I do wish I could turn the clock, turn the clock to prevent this from happening. As right in this moment I have never felt guilt quite like it. The guilt is completely rippling through all of me right now, while I stare at Manuel directly in the eye. It is like nothing else in this world is to matter right now, other than how he feels. As I can see it there in his eyes, all of that pure devastation in his eyes. To me, it seems like he either wants to cry, or, he wants to walk over here and hit Marco. But who can blame him? Here I am, with my 'apparent ex-boyfriend' all inside of me, after being caught in the act of sex with him. That is enough to anger any man.

With looking at Manuel now, and how devastated he looks, like I keep saying; I wish I would have just told him from the beginning about what is going on with Marco and I. It would in a strong sense have saved a lot of pain and hurt in Manuel's behalf, and guilt and regret in my own behalf. Not by any means at all do I enjoy what I have done to him, that is far from it, if I am completely honest with you. But like I have said time and time again, you cannot in of a slight way help who you fall for. And that is exactly what I refer to in my case. Yes, Marco did hurt me badly in the past and I swore to myself that I would never go back to that again, but I have seen a completely new person in Marco. A kind, caring, and, thoughtful sort of a man.

Although this all is of course a bad situation, with not only Manuel seeing this but also all his and Marco's team-mates too, there is something good which will come from this. I am all as in this moment, to be given the chance to come clean to Manuel, about everything. All from how things came about with me and Marco, all down to the pregnancy situation. But yes, of course I am to know that it is going to break Manuel's heart into pieces, especially the latter at that, but it is for the best. I do not expect Manuel to ever want to speak to me again after I tell him but there is nothing I can do about that, as devastating as it may be for us both. All I can say is that I will be relieved, relieved, that this weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

So with that, I was just about to come out and utter my first word to Manuel. But just before I was given the chance to do so I was stopped, by Manuel beating me to it. "I can't believe in the slightest that you would do something like this to me Ana, I really can't." Taking just all a step forward as he spoke, in a raw and angry tone of voice, Manuel was soon stood, in front of all of his team-mates, and looking straight at me. But all I could do was gulp, my mouth to have become dry due to everything. "After everything you said to me, over the fact of how I was aware that you would never go back there again, you just completely lied to me!" So, in that moment, and once Manuel spoke, I watched, as he went to walk out of the house then.

But I was quick to stop him, as I immediately yelled out into his direction. "Manuel please, I need to explain this all to you. Let me, I'm begging you." Immediately in that moment once I spoke I forced Marco out of me, sitting up and wrapping my robe around me to make sure I was not naked, while Marco did the same with his joggers. And it was in that moment when I noticed Manuel turn around to look at me, a disgusted look pressed right the way across of him then. And just from that look, I knew he did not want to stay here any longer. But just in my eyes, and perhaps Marco's too, I needed him to hear me out. "Please, just listen to what I have to say. And then, the decision of what you want to do, is completely up to you then."

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