Chapter 68

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Ana's POV:

Just over three years it has been since the birth of mine and Marco's first daughter, Melanie, and what a three years it has been. There has been nothing but smiled, admiration, and also proudness as we have witnessed with our own eyes, Melanie growing up into a little lady if I am honest. Really I could not have asked for a better three years than I have had, having the man I love with all my heart by my side, and our beautiful little daughter with us. It has been nothing short of amazing, and I cannot wait to see what the future will bring for the three of us. Not only has our daughter been the highlight of the last three years for us, but also there has been a lot of change in me. In my job, and what it is that I am doing with my life as now.

Do you remember all that time ago, when I told you that I previously had to stop studying to be a midwife, as I needed to get a proper job, to earn money? Well, shortly after I gave birth to Melanie and was fine to go about my normal everyday activities, I jumped back into all of my studying. Being determined to get where I wanted in life, to have the dream job, which I have only ever wanted. And I did it, a few months ago I did it, I completely all of my midwife training and I could not be happier. At the hospital I worked at, I have found myself a job, all with a job that I am happier than ever to be doing. So, yes, you could say this these past few years have been nothing short of amazing. But enough of that really, back to there and now.

And here I am now, locking lips with my now husband, at the altar to a church here within a decent location in Dortmund. I could not be happier, this feeling inside of me is one in which I would match to that of when I had Melanie in my arms for the first time; perfect. So while I felt the kiss progress between Marco and I, with our closest friends and family cheering now around us, I felt this man hold me closer towards him. His arms holding my waist, with mine, occupied around the back of his neck. But, as we broke apart, our foreheads pressed against each other, large smiles, were occupied across the both of our faces. We felt the same, both of us, were as happy as ever. "I love you so much Mrs Reus, I do." He whispered. "Forever."

I blushed immediately due to the words which my husband had just spoke to me, that smile I had across my face, never faltering by any means at all. "And I love you too Mr Reus, more than you will ever know." I whispered back, bringing my hand up to his cheek, and caressing it softly. "Forever and always, I promise you from this moment onwards." Just looking at this man in front of me now, a man which I have so much history with, I really did not think that I would ever be in this position, with him. I never expected things to pan out in the way which they have between Marco and I over these past few years, I thought that I would never ever see him again. But he surprised me just like he always does, and has made my life complete.

The sound of our daughter's voice, sitting in the front row, caused me to jump out and away from the trance I was in. "Mummy and daddy!" She cheered happily. And as I turned to look in the direction of her, with Marco following suit, we noticed her pointing straight at us with the biggest and largest smile imaginable. Our friends and family chuckled along with 'aws' as then to come from them, all due to how adorable Melanie was being. And while looking just in the direction of her there, I called her over to me. To which she did in an instance, and so, I picked her up around my waist. Watching her put her fingers in her mouth, all while I did it.

"Did you like that princess, huh?" I smiled. "Did you like the ceremony?"

Melanie immediately nodded her head fast at my words, playing with the flower bracelet in which Marco had bought her especially for today. "One day Melanie, you're going to have a day exactly like this." Melanie looked almost shocked at her daddy as he said that, all with a wide set of eyes and questioning him on if this was the truth. "Of course, you definitely will, I can assure you." He smiled, and I could not help but admire the two of them. Watching, as he played with her hands softly and looked into that of her eyes – the eyes which thankfully in my opinion were an exact mirror of colour to her father's. "You could have an even better ceremony than mummy and daddy, you can because you deserve everything little one, ok?"

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