Chapter 8

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The number one reason that made suspect three suspicious was her first sentence. "I'm not a murderer!" Like she was saying that she wasn't a murderer in defense of her innocence. Then she said that she tried to find her mom however this girl was over the age of eighteen.

The priority of a normal adult teenager was to find a safe place. After those words, she took some time to say that her mom was dead on the floor. Then she said that she was covered in blood and didn't see that at first. Obviously, she couldn't since it was dark unless...

The murderer could see in the dark.

Everyone gathered at the suspects and pressed their feet on the squares. The other trio looked confident while George's trio only looked calm while Kassie was staring worriedly at the other group. Just as expected. Suspect number three went screaming when she slowly disappeared.

"Oh no," Kassie said and Karl quickly covered her eyes when Chase suddenly turned his face to the trembling trio. "What bad pups! You three couldn't even tell that evil girl was the last murderer!" Chase pouted but then he licked his lips, "I guess it is time to die" he growled.

Even if the group was frightened. They didn't dare to run away. Instead, they used their abilities. Adam didn't hesitate to use his weapon. He pulled out a gun and loaded in a bullet and shot the pup's head that Chase blocked off with his police stick using his mouth.

George widened his eyes when he saw the weapon Adam was holding. That was not something he had expected for a player to carry around. He must have looted that from a police station.

On the other hand, Rose went running around Chase. At first, it wasn't impressive however her speed suddenly became fast as lightning surrounding the pup making Chase confused. "Not so fast bad pup!" Chase suddenly opened his mouth and howled loudly making everyone place their hands on their ears.

Rose suddenly went flying to the ground while backing away as Chase approached her fast. George didn't let Chase kill her first though so before Chase ate the girl George shot the girl with his claws secretly killing her first. It was all thanks to that woman who tried to kill him.

"Starter Player Flower has officially been eliminated!"

Ella was next and she brought out many cards from her hands and used them as weapons to shoot at Chase. "You bad pup! You deserve to die!" Chase howled when blood dripped from his skin because of the cards that shot through his skin.

He turned to Ella and tackled her while Ella kept shooting cards but it was no use. Even if it did damage it only made the pup furious. When he reached Ella he stabbed the girl in the chest as blood splattered from everywhere using his sharp claws.

Ella coughed up blood, "No!" She sobbed as she suddenly collapsed to the ground while Chase licked his claws which were covered in blood. He looked up and saw Adam who pointing a gun at his head.

"Starter player Laila has officially been eliminated"

"Grr! You deserve to also die for being a bad pup and trying to kill me!" George saw the unusual expression Adam was making. He glanced behind Chase and saw Adam pointing a gun at Chase's head.

Bang! Chase's head suddenly got shot by a bullet and he collapsed to the ground. George's eyes widened as he glared at the other Adam that disappeared. "Was that teleportation?" He wondered staring at Adam with astonishment.

"Ordinary Player Wonda has officially eliminated the boss Chase!" A child's voice rang in their head. Everyone stared at the remaining player with cold eyes as Adam only smiled.

"I see that I was wrong. Hah, sorry" He laughed turning his head to George who only ignored him staring at the boss calmly.

"Ring! Ordinary Players 404, Ordinary player Kassie, Starter Player Jacobs, and Ordinary player Wondo have successfully passed the first door! Items shall be given as a reward!"

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