Chapter 43

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The next morning everyone still didn't forget Kaiden's words. It was clear that Dream and George would be going however the other three weren't sure. They were all average people and weren't that strong, unlike Dream and George who had no problem going whatsoever even if the difficulty of the game was high.

George sat in the corner of the living room and drank a glass of water. He analyzed the whip he had gotten from Kim Eunwu carefully. This was useless to him since he already had his sword and it would be hard to have two weapons. But he still wanted to know some of its abilities.

He swung the whip in the air and saw that it stretched out to at least two meters high. The whip was hard as steel however it was extremely flexible like a simple rope. "That belonged to the one you killed" Dream spoke to who was behind him and George nodded.

"I'm planning on giving it to Kassie. I have no use of it" he spoke and placed the whip back in his bag standing up. He stood up from the chair going behind him. Bump. He felt something in front of him and looked up to see Dream standing blocking the way.

George faked coughed awkwardly as he felt something tingling on his skin. Dream noticed that he was blocking the way and took a step beside him. "There's a parking lot a few meters away from the mansion. I'll meet you there" Dream spoke and George looked at him and nodded.

George didn't exactly know why Dream wanted to meet there but he didn't question him and decided to stay quiet. He exited the gates of the mansion and started to roam quietly across the streets.

There it was again.

The feeling of someone watching him. He glanced to the left and saw no one. He wondered if it was the same guy who was stalking them. But it seemed that George was the target. He didn't know why someone was stalking such an unpopular player like George.

He was unsure if this was the same person since the atmosphere wasn't that tense, unlike last time. Everything seemed peaceful and George doubted anything bad would happen during his small walk to the parking lot. Four months ago, before Eliminate happened. He was just a regular young adult in his twenties.

Right now, he was just wondering what happened to his parents. They were probably nowhere in London since they moved to different countries as George had heard of in the last year. Still, George wasn't interested in them. He wouldn't care if they were alive or not. But if they were alive, George would have to avoid them.

He arrived at the underground parking lot and didn't see a card. Something shimmering came behind him and he instantly duck his head down and saw a knife above him. When the knife passed he avoided the upcoming punch that was on his torso by twisting to the side.

He quickly decided to throw another punch at the person's jaw but the man quickly blocked it with his hand. George didn't give up and unexpectedly swept his legs towards Dream's lower body. Next George decided to take another punch on the chest but Dream blocked the blow. Dream twisted his hand and shoved it against the youth's side and punched George on the jaw.

Their fight was barehanded and no abilities or items were used. The two were wild and violent as they fought in massive amounts of power. There was a continuous impact of sounds. That caused multiple bruises on both sides.

George didn't realize that Dream was gone in front of him. He felt something pressed against the spine of his neck. Dream's hands were on his spin like he was about to chop it off. He realized if Dream used full power and force his neck would get chopped off. George blinked as he coughed it off while Dream removed his hand.

George, "I never saw you use that move before. It was worth seeing. At least I knew I became stronger," he said as his low curved lightly.

Dream laughed, "Yes you did indeed improve. Good job," he said ruffling George's hair. George ignored that the dirty blond's funny side has shown now that he wasn't playing a game.

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