Chapter 18

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In this second room, they were in jail. The walls were thick and it was made out of metal. Three sides were hard as bedrock while the one in front of where they came from was thick metal bars. Inside the jail, there was one bed, a sink, and a coffee table.

The bars looked thick and hard to break and behind the bars was the door to room three. Jake glared at the bars and ran towards them after he saw the door. He punched the bars harshly hoping that it would at least bend but the only thing he received was pain so he screamed and went to the floor.

George looked down at him and went towards the bars. He carefully examined the bars and held them. These bars were not made of steel or metal. It was another type of Element George had never seen in his life or at least studied. He took his dagger and tried to scratch the bars but then a screen popped up.

[Destroying bars is prohibited]

Nick on the other hand tried to use his ability to melt the bars but then another text popped up.

[Abilities are prohibited to escape the room]

George noted the two texts that popped up and leaned against the wall. "No use. Abilities and destroying bars aren't allowed. There must be a reason why we're trapped here" he mumbled placing his fingers on his cheek. This could be an escape room but it was very likely. If nothing was allowed to be destroyed then the reason for this room was to-

"Hey guys," Nick said and George looked at him slightly confused. Nick pointed his fingers to the ceiling and George looked up and saw a four-hour timer. He widened his eyes when he immediately knew what it meant. Suddenly a voice echoed through the jail.

"Welcome to the 4-hour room! Players are not allowed to escape here and use their abilities to break the bars and walls. It is the player's objective to survive through the four stages of the room! After four hours the bars shall be opened!" the robotic voice said and the timer immediately started.

Jake huffed crossing his arms and sat on the floor, "So we just wait or what? I don't want to sit here all day for fuck's sake!" he yelled and George just rolled his eyes. He gripped the chair beside and pulled it against the wall and sat on it. He unzipped his jacket and placed it on top of his back and closed his eyes.

Ten minutes later nothing seemed to happen. George noticed that the atmosphere was calm around them. He glanced at the bars calmly and saw that it was still closed. Ten minutes later again the air became a lot more humid and the air was getting a lot hotter.

George only noticed this when he saw the walls that were sweating like a human beings. George remembered that he still had some ice shards left so he placed them somewhere behind him so he wouldn't sweat.

He was slowly understanding the purpose of the jail. It was to test the players to see if they could survive the hot air. There were probably more stages that it would try to get the players to die. Fifteen minutes later George opened his eyes and saw that it was a little orange in the room. He looked below him and saw Jake who was breathing heavily.

Jake, "Why is it so fucking hot?!" he panted. George had no problem with him getting hot. After all, he did have twenty percent of Oliver's ability. On the other hand, Nick was just there playing with his daggers not bothered by the hotness of the air.

For the next few more minutes Jake kept wiping away the sweat on his face. His body was weak and he was breathing heavily. The bad thing is. He also didn't bring any water. George stared at the helpless man calmly. He would be very surprised if this man would live.

This temperature he's witnessing was 100 percent worse than the temperature in Australia based on his reaction. While listening to the man's annoying screams of pain George just sat there with his hair covering his eyes with his head ducked.

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