Chapter 44

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This dimension was different now that the players had explored it. The map had multiple buildings like a city. It had different sizes of houses, malls, and even stores. The streets were big however the sky was just dark even if it was supposed to be the day. There was a slight fog visible that made it harder to see what was from far.


There was a small sound from the left and George glanced in the direction where it came from. There was a small looking spider that was about one and a half meters. It had black long eight legs and the head of a bat. He stared at the mob and saw that it was level thirty.

The spider-bat-looking monster shot multiple webs toward George who sliced them with his sword. It immediately tackled towards him and George immediately dodged it by twisting his body. Once the spider-bat monster passed him George immediately stabbed it in the neck.

When the monster got eliminated a coin dropped to the floor replacing its corpse. He saw a shiny purple coin. He crouched down slightly and grabbed the purple coin showing it to Dream. "Level sixty and below monsters drop purple coins. Level sixty monsters and above probably drop a different one" George said.

Dream hummed as he finished killing a level fifty one monster that also dropped a purple coin. "We should target these types of monsters first," he said flipping the coin to the air as he caught it quickly. George did not answer and calmly walked through the streets not letting his guard down yet.

The two continued to kill off the common move that dropped purple coins one by one together. They would need five coins each so that would be a total of then coins to complete the first stage of coins. The next coin that they would be targeting next was the higher level of coin which was the monsters higher than level sixty.

Those mobs were probably at least the level of the serpent-dragon, the judge of death, the bunny from the second main game, and Chase from the first main game. Some were probably stronger than those bosses too. The serpent-dragon and the judge of death were the strongest


Dream sliced the head of a snake looking mob that had wings. George used his boost from his boots and stabbed the other snake looking mob that was flying. He dropped to the ground along with the coin that went flying and George quickly grabbed it.

Both of them were complete in having purple coins now.


Dream suddenly pushed George to the ground which caught both of them by surprise when they heard a large bang along with a thunderbolt. Another bolt of lightning targeted the spot between the two however both of them were aware now and quickly dodged it. This whole lightened the sky and the streets.

Dream looked at the sky, "It's not raining" he clarified, "The weather is clear to rain. Ever since eliminate happened it hasn't snowed, hailed, or even rained" he said while he remained calm starting at the fire caused by the lightning.

George also remained his calm impression and stared at the sky. "Then it must be an ability," he said glancing to the left along with Dream's gaze and seeing a man who was leaning against the tree playing with electricity in his hands.

There were two reasons this man wanted to kill off both Dream and George. One, they had purple coins to get stolen. Two, he wanted the experience. Or maybe he wanted both. George just assumed the third reason he didn't mention in his mind.

Dream didn't hesitate when he saw the man with the electricity ability to release the tentacle from his dagger and try to the man casually. George knew that he wasn't the type of person to do such a casual thing for a fight. He knew that Dream was testing if this man was worth to fight against too.

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