Chapter 104

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Dream's eyes widened in disbelief. "George, look!"

George gritted his teeth, his injuries forgotten in the face of this new threat. "She's... she's enormous."

The Queen's voice thundered through the ruins, resonating with dark power. "You cannot defeat me!" she roared, her eyes ablaze with fury and madness. "I am eternal!"

Before they could react, the ground beneath them trembled as the castle's ruins began to shift and rise. From the rubble emerged scores of twisted, bloodied angels, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent. With wings that stretched like shadows and claws sharp as blades, they surrounded George and Dream, trapping them in a deadly ring of enemies.

"We have to get out of here," Dream said urgently, his dagger poised for battle.

George scanned their surroundings, his mind racing for a plan. "There's too many of them. We need a way to break through."

Just as despair threatened to overwhelm them, a low rumble echoed from above. The imugi descended from the sky, its scales shimmering with radiant energy. It let out a deafening roar, drawing the attention of the angels and momentarily halting their advance.

"We need to move," George urged, adrenaline surging through him.

Dream nodded, his resolve unwavering. "On my mark."

With practiced coordination, they leaped into action. Dream darted forward, his dagger slashing through the air as he fended off the nearest angels. George summoned Piyol, the kitsune unleashing torrents of ice magic to create barriers and slow their pursuers.

But the Queen's monstrous form loomed ever closer, her presence casting a dark shadow over their escape. With each step, she unleashed waves of dark energy that threatened to overwhelm them. The imugi soared above, its immense form shielding them from the worst of the attacks, but even its strength had limits.

The Queen's monstrous form loomed over them, her dark laughter echoing through the ruined chamber. Around them, the bloodied angels closed in, their malicious intent palpable in the air. George and Dream stood back to back, their breaths ragged and bodies battered from the relentless battle.

"We can't keep this up," Dream muttered, his voice strained but resolute.

George nodded, his eyes narrowing as he assessed their dire situation. "We need a way to turn the tide."

Just then, a shadow passed over them. They looked up to see the imugi descending from the sky once more, its scales shimmering with renewed vigor. The angels hesitated, momentarily distracted by the massive creature's presence.

"We need to take this chance," George said, his mind racing for a plan. "Dream, cover me."

Dream nodded, his dagger at the ready as he stood guard against the advancing angels. George focused his energy, summoning all his remaining strength. With a deep breath, he charged forward, his laser sword blazing with intense light.

The Queen's eyes narrowed as she sensed George's approach. With a wave of her hand, she unleashed a torrent of dark energy, aiming to overwhelm him. But George dodged and weaved through the onslaught, his determination unwavering.

Dream darted in, his dagger striking true as he created openings in the angelic ranks. George seized the opportunity, closing the distance to the Queen with lightning speed. With a mighty roar, he swung his sword, aiming for the Queen's heart.

The blade connected, slicing through the Queen's monstrous form with a burst of radiant energy. She staggered back, a cry of pain echoing through the chamber. Dark mist swirled around her, but George pressed on, channeling every ounce of power into his attack.

As the Queen's form flickered and distorted, George unleashed a final, devastating blow. His sword pierced through her core, shattering the darkness that had enveloped her. With a deafening roar, the Queen collapsed into nothingness, her monstrous visage dissipating into the air.

Silence descended upon the ruins, broken only by the heavy breaths of George and Dream. They stood amidst the wreckage, their bodies battered and minds reeling from the intensity of the battle. But amidst the devastation, there was a sense of victory and relief.

"We... we did it," Dream gasped, his voice filled with disbelief and exhaustion.

George nodded, a weary smile crossing his lips. "Yeah... we did."

As they caught their breath, the imugi circled above them, its presence a symbol of hope and strength. The angels, now scattered and disoriented, began to retreat into the shadows. The sun rose over the horizon, casting its warm light over the scarred landscape.


The Queen's form disintegrated into blinding light, shattering the space between realms. George and Dream, exhausted and wounded, found themselves engulfed in the chaos of collapsing dimensions. The sky fractured, reality tore apart, and a blinding flash of light enveloped them.

When the light faded, George and Dream blinked, finding themselves back on Earth. But it wasn't the Earth they knew. Portals ripped open in the sky and across the land, spewing forth monstrous creatures—some familiar, others grotesquely mutated.

"We're back," George muttered, his voice barely audible over the roar of the invading horde.

Dream nodded grimly, his gaze scanning the horizon where the monsters emerged. "And we brought a whole new problem with us."

He said as the corpse of the Queen turned into a blinding light like the sun is only a few kilometers away.


Authors note

OKAY! Im cooking.

Im legit cooking the ending right now. Im getting help with my trust old friend here for the ending because it HAS to be something that will strike the hearts of people.

Although im not a professional or a real writer. But I do hope it will leave a space in your heart.

See ya!

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