Chapter 13

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【San Diego, 4:30 pm】

Five days pass after the meeting with Wilbur and the two kids. During these past few days, the there kids have been constantly playing outside close to the gym to eliminate some mobs. While in the other hand George has been figuring out a way to eliminate Oliver.

George memorized every last of information Wilbur had given to him and would use them as an advantage to kill the man with the ice shard ability. Oliver seemed to have also already killed multiple people now and he only played the first door game. That was why his level was so high in a nick of time.

And since Oliver had already seen George and Kassie. His next targets were probably them or worse. The kids' Toby and Tommy. For now, George and Wilbur planned to team up and kill Oliver once he arrives again. It was the next day and George was leaning against the wall; arms crossed against his chest.

George then thought of looking around the area to explore. The gym had two floors. On the first floor was the gym and the second floor was just an empty floor with multiple rooms and some couches and desks all around. "Hey Gogs!" he heard Tommy's voice call up.

George glanced to the entrance and saw Tommy waving at him, "Hello my fellow British friend!" he exclaimed making his way towards George who calmly looked at the teenage boy feeling quite annoyed that he had disturbed his moment of peace.

George, "What do you want Tommy? It's early in the morning and you're awake. Children like you should be asleep at this time," he said leaning against the desk carefully not making a single sound.

Tommy's face suddenly became furious, "First of all I'm not a child. I'm 18 years old. I'm a grown up man! Plus, It's quite boring to sleep. Besides I slept yesterday" he defended. George could nod helplessly knowing he couldn't stop the reckless boy.

George grabbed his identity identifier and looked at the child's identity.

[Player name- Tommy]

[Code name- Innit]

[April 9, 2004]

[Ordinary level 23]

Tommy curiously glanced at the object George was holding and asked, "What's that?" The brunette ignored the blond man and wondered how this child was already at his level 23. Kassie got to a high level because of the first door game and the gambling game.

However, this teenage boy seemed to be less powerful than her. Plus, they only stayed here so George doubt that he played any games. George looked up at Tommy while leaning against the chair, "What's your ability?" He asked.

Tommy instantly smiled, "Well my ability is quite good actually! It's related to hearing! I can sense sounds over a two kilometer radius for now! But I can level up two three kilometers when I get to level thirty" he bragged recklessly.

George than just realized how Wilbur was able to sense both of them. Tommy must have said something to him. George couldn't help but form a slight curve on his lips but it was barely visible, "Okay" he said and looked out the window behind him that was against the chair seeing the faint sunshine through his eyes.

George hopped onto the table he was leaning against on and used it as a shortcut to get to the window. He opened the window slightly and felt the cold breeze hit his skin. He glanced around but noticed that he could only see the higher building in front of him. He wasn't high enough to see the outside.

George, "Tommy," he said casually waving his hands. Tommy glanced at him and carefully walked towards the brunette and carefully glanced outside. "See if you can hear anything. Focus on faint footsteps. Maybe be even signs of fighting" he said and Tommy grinned looking outside the window.

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