Chapter 64

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George leaned against the red border that surrounded them like a cube, "So we're in a Hidden scenario side game?" He asked Wilbur who was sat on the floor together with Tubbo while Tommy and Kassie were talking together like regular teenagers. It took sometime for everyone to explain what happened for the past three months.

Tubbo and Tommy were able to upgrade their level around Kassie that was forty and Wilbur was now around the level of fifty. Together they were six. Just like what George had said they were in a Hidden Scenario Side game. Based on Wilbur's explanation. This was a hidden game that doesn't show itself or have any warnings.

So there was no way to tell if there really was a game or not when it comes to Hidden Scenarios. Right now, they were currently trapped inside a red transparent cube and they could see what was happening outside. Based on Wilbur's explanation. They would just have to wait for the game to get triggered.


Suddenly, a glowing white figure popped up inside the cube. "Sorry for the delay players! I was waiting for other players to join in other cubes hehe! Anyways, let's get this game started shall we?" Mudgle laughed and snapped his fingers.

"Ring! 'Capture the Flag!' Has been triggered! The rules are—

One, there are multiple stations here in the underground city. Each station has one flag. The purpose of this game is to turn your flags into the darkest color in the end of the day. There are five colors. White, gray, purple, dark blue and  black. Every team starts off with one with a white color.

Two, to turn a flag into a darker shade of color they must capture other flags. At the same time, each team is assigned to take their flag into a specific station while capturing other flags to make their team stronger.

Three, each team also has a station that they need to protect as the team that is assigned in their location will be after them. Reminder, once a team's flag is placed on the station they are assigned too. There is no other way to pull it out again.

Four, penalty for this game is death if they do not get a flag that is higher than the color dark blue or black.

Five, all teams will have a screen pop up in front of them to tell which station they are assigned to put their flag onto

Six, the time limit is only twelve hours"

Once the announcement finally stopped ringing in their ears. A blue hologram screen popped up in front of them,

【 Station assigned: Station A3 】

The red cube box finally disappeared around them and Dream walked to the wall in the underground tunnel. He pulled out the map that was against the wall and brought out a pen. "We're current in Station D1. So we'll just have to find out which team is assigned for our station" he said circling the red marker at the bottom left of the map.

There were a total of forty stations. A1, A2, A3, A4. The number per letter stops at four and there were only four letters that were A, B, C, all the way to the letter J. "There's no need for that. The station that is assigned to head to our station will come here themselves" Wilbur added and George nodded pointing at station A3.

He grabbed Dream's red marker and placed an 'X' at station A3 somewhere Top right on the map that was between A2 and A4. "We'll split up into two groups. Defend group and attack group. Clay and me will be attacking while the children and you Wilbur will be focusing in defending" George said to Wilbur who nodded.

Of course, George used Dream's real name Clay instead of Dream since he still wasn't sure if Dream wanted to reveal that he was 'The Dream' that everyone in this world knew.

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