chapter 1

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Thuli's Pov
*How I wish my life was like in the movies and books were I would meet my prince charming and be happy.Here I am still living in this prison with the same people that don't want me. My mom passed away when i was 12years old and 2years later after her passing my dad married my stepmother. When he married her a lot of things changed I become the maid of this house while she sat and ordered me around. If I refused she would beat and insult me. So when I got the chance to go to Stellenbosch University I grabbed it with both hand only for me to be back here 4 years later*

Stepmom: Thuliii!!!!!!!!!Come down here now., Your father wants to talk to you

Me: *I snapped out of my thoughts and ran downstairs* Yes mother

Stepmom:Don't call me that I can never be a mother to an ugly thing like you *Ouch that hurts I can never get use to her insults*

Father: Thuli you need to get ready today at 18h00 we have guests and please don't embarrass me infront of my boss he said.

Me: okay father I said and excused myself from the table

*I kept wondering why Dad's boss is coming tonight and I couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this. At 17h00 I started getting ready because my make up takes long and the girl needs to look good*

 At 17h00 I started getting ready because my make up takes long and the girl needs to look good*

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I decided to stick with my natural hair and show off my figure. I know my Stepmom is going to be jealous but damn I looked good as fuck!!!!

18h00:Dinner time
*The door bell rings and Stepmom opens it*
Stepmom:Welcome Mr And Mrs Ngcobo and your son.

Mrs Ngcobo: Thank you for having us MaKhumalo, What a lovely hone you have here.

*Father came downstairs and they did all the pleasantries and I was called down. When I got there I saw this dark and handsome man and I just couldn't stop staring but he didn't spare me any glances it was as if I didn't exist*

 When I got there I saw this dark and handsome man and I just couldn't stop staring but he didn't spare me any glances it was as if I didn't exist*

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Me: *He looked hott!!* Goodday Mr And Mrs Ngcobo thank you for gracing us with your presence I said

*That's when he looked at me and just stared*

Dad: Well since everyone is here shall we please begin with dinner

*He lead us to the dinning area and this guy sat next to me like wtf, Anyways after eating we sat in the lounge and that was when the bomb was dropped on me*

Dad:Thuli my child you know I love you and want what is best for you, so me and Mr Ngcobo have decided that you are going to get married to his son Kwenzokuhle the gentleman sitting next to youu in order for us to have a partnership.

Stepmom: Yes Thuli you need to help your father and this matter. He has done alot of things for you now you need to do this one little thing for him.

Me:WHAT!!!!! Why should I marry him? I hardly know the gut I just met him today now I need to marry him.

Kwenzo:Listen here little girl I don't want to get married to you too but I don't have a choice stop behaving like a child

Me:*Wft he is sooo rude* Well you could have said no but here you are forcing me to be your WIFE

Kwenzo:What part of I don't have a choice did you not get?stop being a drama because whether you like it or not we are getting married in 2 weeks time

Mrs Ngcobo: I know this is not the ideal situation to get married in but please do this for us my child

Mr Ngcobo: Please ndodakazi do this for us

*I couldn't watch two elders beg me so I agree I sold my life,future and everything*

Me:Okay I will do it

Kwenzo:Good now be ready next week is the lobola negotiations *He stood up and left after saying that*

Mr Ngcobo: Ngiyabonga ndodakazi

*They left immediately after that leaving Me with these evil parents of mine*

Me:Goodnight I'm going to bed *I said ignoring having a conversation with them because it was going to end with me being insulted*

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