Chapter 21

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The Day Of The Family Vacation
It's 3am in the morning and I'm in a jet on the way to this forced family vacation. I'm 9 months pregnant and chances of me giving birth on this vacation are very high that's why I took my baby bag just for incase. In the jet I'm with my two babies and Busiseka and her little family. I'm super tired because I had a maternity shoot yesterday and now I'm in this jet to God knows where. Yes we were not informed about the destination all that we were told to do is to pack for summer and a little bit of winter just incase. All the babies are sleeping right now and kwenzo is sitting next to me on his laptop. Gosh this nigga never stops working but anyways let me go on my Instagram. I decided to post one of my maternity shoot pictures.

Thulisiwe_Ngcobo:Carrying the precious cargo🥺💙🍼Baby Ngcobo number 2 on the wayyy900k people liked this post Comments disabled I decided to disabled my Comments mainly because I didn't want any negativity surrounding me on my last trimester

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Thulisiwe_Ngcobo:Carrying the precious cargo🥺💙🍼Baby Ngcobo number 2 on the wayyy
900k people liked this post
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I decided to disabled my Comments mainly because I didn't want any negativity surrounding me on my last trimester.
"Babe do you always have to work?" I asked him
"No but this is like a 15hrs flight so I might as well push the workload" he said not even looking at me continuing to type on his laptop.
"But this is suppose to be our family bonding time and you know once the baby gets here we won't have time to do that" i said in a sulking tone my emotions have been haywire these days.
"Argh thuli can you please stop being so annoying can't you see that I'm trying to work just stop please" he shouted and that kinda hurt me because it wasn't my fault that I was pregnant and was an emotional wreck. So i just stood up and looked at him with tears streaming from my eyes
"I'm sorry for being annoy I will just leave you alone to work" I said with a breaking voice and went into the bedroom in the jet were ndalo was sleeping and just cuddled her crying. I was really hurt being pregnant was not easy especially on my first pregnancy so I just let him be and slept"
14hrs later
I've been awake for 2hrs now but I've just been sitting in the jet bedroom I didn't want to see kwenzo because my whole face was swollen from all the crying I did before sleeping and Busiseka came in.
"Hey mommy bear are you okay? You have been sleeping for a long time" she said joining me on the bed.
"Hey sister I will be fine I'm just really tired this baby is really heavy so my body is having a hard time handling the weight" I responded to her
"Are you sure thats the only thing bothering you I can tell that you were crying because your face is swollen" she said cuddling me.
"Do you think I'm annoying?" I asked her
"No you are not who said you were annoying?" She asked with concern written all over her face. I narrated the whole story that took place and she looked disappointed in kwenzo.
"That was wrong of him to say that friend he knows that this pregnancy has been too much for you to handle and he does this? Don't mind him come let's go feed the little guy" she said standing up and helping me  up too. I wobbled into the bathroom first to freshen up then I went to the main area of the jet were everyone was seated and buckled up. I greeted them and sat down next to Busiseka and had some fruits because I didn't have any appetite. I could feel kwenzo's glare on me but I simply ignored him.
Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain I just wanted to inform you that we are about to land please put on your seat belts!!!!!!!!!
We were already buckled up so we just sat as the plane landed safely
Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to welcome you at Greece. Enjoy your vacation!!
Looks like kwenzo is not being a sensitive husband to his sensitive wife.
Greece 🇬🇷

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