Chapter 25

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Mah and baba's bedroom
Things have been a little tense between the parents ever since they found out that bukhosi wants to take a second wife. It was pretty clear to the old couple that their son was not happily married. His marriage was not going as how they thought.
"So you are just going to allow him to take a second wife?" Mah said she was very mad that her son would even think about something like this.
"Hawuu what am I suppose to do stop him? It's his life moss" Baba said very annoyed
"Yes stop him, he will listen to you because you are the hand of this family and most importantly his father" mah said
"But he has a point they have been married for 5 years 5 whole years but no offspring to show for it because mbali is not ready. Kwenzo has been married for 10 months and his wife is pregnant mbali needs to grow up." Ubaba said
"So you mean to say if if was me in this situation you would have taken a second wife? Why not get a surrogate to carry the child for them?" Mah asked suggesting a solution.
"Because mbali doesn't want to be a mother or a parent she wants to leave her life without any child tied down to her don't you get it? You really need to listen to your kids when they speak mahn now I'm done having this conversation and I'm going to sleep so please deal with this on your own" he said turning off his side lamp.

The old couple knew that their son was falling out of love with mbali. Mbali was a feminist that she used all her feminism on her marriage which was killing it and now their son could take it anymore and it was understandable that he would want a second wife.

The Next Day
Banjee jumping day
Thuli's Pov

Today we were going to the mountains of Santorini and the lads were going to do some banjee jumping. It was still early in the morning and I was still cuddled up with my hubby.
"Babe did you know that your brother wants to take a second wife?" I asked him
"Hmm he told me yesterday" he said playing with my hair.
"Well mbali is hurt and she even apologized but I personally think she did it because she is stuck with us on this vacation"
"Hmm I don't trust her vele so be careful around her and don't eat anything she gives you"
"I won't I promise now can we please get ready so this activity so that we can go to the beach later on" I said playing with his beard
"What you want Makhumalo I will gladly do it now come let's go take a shower"
"An innocent one right?" I said looking at him with so bedroom eyes.
"Hmm it depends on what you want mama" he said with a naughty smirk.
"Well how about we find out what I want" I said standing up pulling him into the shower. We tried having an innocent shower but we just couldn't keep our hands off each other. We finished bathing and now  I was putting on some light face beat and a pink catsuit.
We went downstairs and had breakfast it was a little awkward until mah decided to address the elephant in the room.
"Bukhosi why don't you get a surrogate that will carry your kids than to get a second wife?" She asked sipping on her tea.
"Well me and bukhosi have decided to go our separate ways we realized that we both want different things" Mbalenhle said shocking all of us.
"Ini are you crazy mbali? Ain't no way I'm allowing you to get a divorce" mah screamed
"Are you sure about this makoti" ubaba asked
"Yes I'm not a family woman and I've realized that I've been very unfair to bukhosi now I want you to be happy and enjoy life and meet someone you really love" mbali said standing up
"I'm going to pack my things I have a flight to catch and to the rest of you guys I'm sorry for how I've treated you and may you please forgive me" she left to her bedroom.

Everyone was so shocked thar they lost their appetite while I continued eating with no care in the world. I knew mbali was going to leave but I didn't think she was going to do it without a fight

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