Chapter 54

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Lobola Day                                                                                                                                                   I knew the Ngcobo's were going to make it hard for me but I really did not think they would be this heartless. last night we realized that no food was bought for the ceremony and no baked goods were baked for the negotiates to at least nibble on. I knew they hated me I just did not think they would go through these lengths to express their hatred for me. Thank God Kele has a friend that owns a catering company and she agreed to catered for the event after a lot of begging. we had to pay a huge amount of money for her to do this at such a short notice. We ended up having to bake the whole night since we really needed the cookies. its safe to say that we are tired as we hardly slept. its 3am right now and I am getting ready to go to the Kraal with Kwenzo's uncles

*knock knock*{Kelebogile opened the door and it was my mother with kwenzo's mother at the door, she looked at me asking if she should open the door}"It's fine Kelebogile you can let them in" I said doing final touches of my makeup "Oh my baby you ...

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*knock knock*
{Kelebogile opened the door and it was my mother with kwenzo's mother at the door, she looked at me asking if she should open the door}
"It's fine Kelebogile you can let them in" I said doing final touches of my makeup
"Oh my baby you look so beautiful" my stepmother said trying to be sweet to me
"Can we please get to the real reason why you guys are here, I need to go out to the kraal to perform the ritual the elders are waiting for me" I said not ready to endure their fake love and concern.
"Mntanami ngiyazi ukuthi I haven't been the best stepmother to you and that I haven't always  treated you the best and for that I would like to apologise please don't take out your anger to your father by doing this to us please don't do this ritual" she said shedding crocodile tears with Keenzo's mother holding her hands look so sincere.
"Please Thuli I know that Kwenzo messed up but he is sorry and still loves you and you guys have two kids together please think about them do you really want to do this to them? Emshadweni kuya nyamezelwa sis" Kwenzo's mom said putting in her two cents
"I love my fiancé and I'm marrying him, if you told me this months ago mother I would have probably listened but I'm done with Kwenzo, he allowed that stupid wife of his to abuse my child and didn't say anything in fact he was hiding it so I'm doing this so that my kids can have a father that actually loves and cares about them not a boy who hides behind his mother's skirt every time life doesn't go his way." I looking at them dead in the eyes
"Well if that's all please leave Thuli needs to go to the kraal now" Kele said walking towards the door
"You must be crazy if you think you are going to end this union wena thulisile angekho umuntu ozoshada Lana nahlamje" Ma said looking the door and taking the keys putting them in her boobs
"Do you really want to go there Ma? Because best believe you are not going to like my reaction if you don't open that door" Kea said being all serious now and just giving me chills
"Ma vula umnyango please!" I said begging
"I said akukho mshado ozoyenzeka lana Thuli, your dad will not lose his position in the Ngcobo company because of your selfishness" she said looking all scary
{What happened next is what shocked me Kea took out a Glock 9 mm and pointed it at these old hags who were trying to ruin my day}
"So what going to happen now is that you are going to open that door if not I'm shooting that door and killing you here, so you better choose your actions wisely" She looked so scary I was scared myself
" Haibo Thulisile uhamba neyimigulugudo uyiletha lana kwami" Kwenzo's mother said after being quiet this whole time.
"Thula wena ngithe vulani umnyango" Kea said shouting, they hurried and opened the door and then kea turned to me and said
"Go to the kraal I will deal with these two" I just ran out of there and rushed to the kraal good thing I was sit on time,

[Outside the Kraal]
"Sanibonani bantu abadala(greetings elders) I said bowing my head a bit as a sign of respect"
"Yebo ndodakazi us'kulungele yini ukuyenza lomsebenzi?(Are you ready to do this ritual my daughter?) One of the uncles asked
"Yebo sengikulungele ukwenza lomsebenzi"
[The chanting of clan names started and Kwenzo was standing next to me as we entered the kraal]
Nyuswa kaDingila!
KaNgcobo kaVumezitha!
Ngcob' omhlophe!
Ozal' uNgongoma!
{The ritual started and incense was burned were ancestors were informed and asked to release me as me and Kwenzo are nolonger married and a goat was slaughtered as something to appease the ancestors with. Once it was all said and done we left the kraal and I felt like a new person, I went to the room to check on the girls}
[In the room]
Kele and Kea were already dressed in their traditional clothes and stated lilizeling when they saw me

This is how they looked in their traditional clothing "Are you ready to be a Maleka Wife?" Kele asked hugging me"Yes I am ready to marry the love of my life" I said and we started singing and dancing"Okay the food will arrive an hour before the ne...

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This is how they looked in their traditional clothing
"Are you ready to be a Maleka Wife?" Kele asked hugging me
"Yes I am ready to marry the love of my life" I said and we started singing and dancing
"Okay the food will arrive an hour before the negotiations are concluded right now let's get you dresssed in our outfit that we chose for you for your bogadi as the uncles are 10 minutes away" they started helping me get dressed in this beautiful dress
"I can't wait for our brother to see how beautiful you look"
"I can't believe this is finally happening after what those hags tried to do I almost lost hope in marrying your brother" I said looking at both of them
"Nothing will stand in your happiness, you were destined to be happy and for greater things to bad they didn't see that"

This is how they looked in their traditional clothing "Are you ready to be a Maleka Wife?" Kele asked hugging me"Yes I am ready to marry the love of my life" I said and we started singing and dancing"Okay the food will arrive an hour before the ne...

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The bogadi process was concluded even though the Ngcobo's charged an arm and a leg my man paid up he made sure nothing was standing In the way of our happiness. I've never been this happy and this loved before it feels so good.
"Ousi our brother is calling you outside" Kea said smiling mischievously at me, causing me to be all shy feeling like a teenage girl whose in love
"He is here? I thought he wasn't coming" I said smiling ear to ear
"Well his waiting for his wife outside" kea said laughing and nudging me to go outside to see him
"Okay do I look good? I asked removing the invisible cease on my dress"
"You look beautiful go!!" I went outside and I saw him leaning back on his Bentley wearing sunglasses I quickly ran up to him
"Babyy!!" I said jumping in his arms
" oh MaMaleka you look so beautiful" he said catching me and planting a kiss on my nose
" I thought you said you weren't coming" I said looking into his eyes
"I would never miss such an important day like this, the day I made you my wife and detached you completely from the Ngcobos" he said
" I'm so happy, I can't wait for the wedding! We are husband and wife customarily"
"Yep we are stuck together for life he said kissing me"
{I decided not to tell him now about what those olds hags did and tried to enjoy this little love bubble we are in}
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I missed you guys so much and thank you for your patience and support. I want to let you know that the stock is coming to an end soon

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