Chapter 13

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Kwenzokuhle's Pov
I fucked up, I hurt the only woman who has been able to love my daughter and treat her like her biological daughter. All she ever did was be a good wife to me and I threw that back in her face. Gosh I don't even know how to fix this now here I am sitting waiting for her to come back from where ever she went. And just then she enter the house looking drained.

"Makhumalo can we please talk? Can we please have a civilized conversation please" I said begging her

"Okay then talk kwenzo"

"I'm sorry for everything that I said in the morning it was wrong of me to say all those things, you were also forced into this marriage like I was soo I'm sorry. I vowed to be a good husband to you and I didn't do that I cheated on you and broke your heart I wasn't the honest husband I promised to be to you on that alter when you have kept your Vows. So I'm owning up to my shit right now and saying I'm sorry I can't promise you that I won't make mistakes again but I'm promising you that I won't repeat this one MaNgcobo wami" I said on my knees holding her hands.

"You broke my heart kwenzo I trusted you and you literally played me and made me feel like a fool. I can't go out in public without people pointing at me because of you now I can't even enjoy my pregnancy because I'm stressed which is not good for the baby" she said crying she was right though I haven't been the best husband heck I've been the worst but it's time I man up and be the man she needs.

"I know MaKhumalo and I'm sorry come let's go to bed so that you can rest and stop stressing uNgcobo omncane"
We went to our room took a shower and went to bed atleast she stopped crying and let me hold her at night. I don't deserve this woman good knows I've been bad to her and she deserves better.
The next morning
I woke up before her took a bath and made breakfast in bed for her. I wanted to spoil her and I know she hates using my cars so I'm getting her a car the one she can call hers. I know you guys are probably wondering where ndalo is but she is in KZN with her grandparents.

I finished making the perfect breakfast for her. I made her a spinach omelet with some berry granola.

She was still asleep when I got to the room so i woke her up and put the tray on her lap

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She was still asleep when I got to the room so i woke her up and put the tray on her lap.
"Good morning mama" I said kissing her forehead
"Morninggg.. " she said with a sleepy voice
"I made you some breakfast I know this doesn't make up for anything but I thought I should spoil you so today it's all about you"
"Mmhh this is lovely thank youu. Okayy well I still haven't forgiven you so what's on the agenda?"
"We are working on that but the first one is a surprise and the second one we are going on a date"
"Yess I love surprises well let me go get ready but wait what should I wear?"
"Just put on some jeans cause I'm also wearing that"
"Mmh okay." She finished eating and went to get ready while I waited for her.
She came out of the closet and she looked beautiful those legs. Arghh she is turning me on I took a picture of her and posted on my Instagram.

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