Chapter 31

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So I went back to the lounge ignoring Kwenzokuhle I was sick and tired of his games and he needs to decide what he wants.
"Makoti are you okay? You look tired and angry" mah asked
"I'm just tired mah you know how raising a newborn is you hardly get time to sleep" I said to her
"Don't worry it gets better with time my dear"
"Yeah I hope so because when he is 3 months I'm launching my business I can't be a stay at home mother" I said to them drinking some water.
"Don't you think that's a bit early why not wait until he is atleast a year old" mah said
"No I think it's perfectly fine I have been procrastinating this for way to long that my business partners are losing confidence in me and I cannot afford that"
"But your married to a billionaire" bukhosi said
"That's his money not mine and I want to work hard for my money" I said to them I was really getting annoyed by this topic.
"Oh okay" bukhosi said
"Yes now if you will excuse me I need to check on my baby" I stood up and went to the nursery where I found my little prince sleeping. J just gave him a bath and put him in his pj's before carrying him to our room since he has a little bed in there.

 J just gave him a bath and put him in his pj's before carrying him to our room since he has a little bed in there

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I put him there and went to take a quick shower and put on my pj's. When I was done I found kwenzo looking at him and smiling mxm nonsense.
"Why do you always see it fit to disrespect and disregard me in front of my family?" He asked.
"What did I do this time?" I asked in a nonchalant voice.
"Why did you ignore me when I tried speaking to you in the kitchen infront of Busiseka and why didn't you inform me that my family was coming" he asked in a Stern voice.
"Inform you? When will I get the chance to do that when you hardly pick up my calls or even as little as talk to me kwenzo. I ignored you because I didn't want to talk to you simple now are you happy?"
"Why are you being so rude to me Makhumalo? I'm trying to have a conversation with you"
"Kwenzo I'm tired I havnt had a peaceful sleep in 3 weeks because I've been doing this parenting thing alone where else you disappear to God knows where and come back when it pleases you so if I don't want to have a conversation with you is because I'm tired and need all the sleep I can't get." I said getting into bed
"I'm working to secure our future and please do me a favor forget about launching that business of yours I need you here being a mother to our children."
"Uthini Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo!!!Usuyahlanya ngempela keh manje ngisebenze Kunzima kabi ukuze ngikwazi ukuvula leli ibizinisi bese uzongitshela Lombhedo ongitshela wona" I shouted
"Musa ukukhuluma nami ngaleyo ndlela Makhumalo"
"Yazini ngikhathele wuwe thinking ukuthi I'm going to be a housewife and a stay at home mother if that what you want then let's get a divorce and then you can marry a submissive wife."
"Angeke kwenzeke loko ayikho idivorce ezo yenzeka uzoyenza letho engikutshela yona"
"Mxm ungijwayela kabi wena Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo awungazi kahle" I stood up from the bed and took my son and was about to leave.
"Uyaphi manje?" He asked
"Fat away from you and your inferiority Complex" with that said I slammed the door and went to sleep In the guest room. I am pretty sure the family heard us arguing and I don't have time to argue with them.
The Guest Room
I was playing with nkosana when Busiseka entered the room.
"Are you okay chomi" she asked
"I will be fine mngani it's just another day of being married to a crazy zulu man"
"Haibo I heard you guys arguing and if sounded bad"
"Mmh seems like kwenzo wants me to be submissive and not work"
"That's absurd"
"Exactly my point it's completely absurd and I'm Stull opening my store in 2 months time it will be done."
"I can't wait chomii to see you being the rich aunt to my kods"
"I also cannot wait"
We gossip about other things until it was time to go to bed

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