chapter 11

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Continuation from chapter 10
"Doctor are you sure that I'm Pregnant?" I asked still shocked.
*yes I'm sure but we can do the ultrasound if you want"
I didn't want to due my first ultrasound without kwenzo being there so I had to refuse.
"I can't do it without my husband being present can we please come back next week for the ultrasound?"
"Sure no problem well please collect your multi vitamins at the pharmacy so I will see you next week" she said walking me and ndalo out.

The drive home was crazy I had soo many things in my mind I'm even surprised that I didn't cause any accidents on the road. We got home and ndalo went to her playroom why I tried contacting Kwenzo keyword tried but it just went straight to voice-mail so I sent him a message.

Wow did he really just blow me off like that. I thought he would be waiting in anticipation to hear about my appointment but now he is too busy for that. I decided to talk to my bestie I know she will help lighten up my mood.

She was genuinely happy for me too bad my own husband the father of this child is too busy for that. After talking to her I got myself some pasta and ate. Maria took care of ndalo as I was too distracted to pay attention to her. I finished eating am immediately went back to bad. I wanted to share this moment with kwenzo but I guess he is busy with work.
Next Morning
My phone has been buzzing with notifications for the past 30 minutes but I'm too lazy to check I was still mad at kwenzo for blowing me off like that so I chose to respect his wishes and leave him alone. But what i didn't know was that the shock of my life was waiting for me.
Conversation between me and anele.

Conversation between me and anele

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The shaderoom postFinding out by a friend that your own husband is cheating on you the day after you find out that you are pregnant Is probably the worst thing I have ever went through

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The shaderoom post
Finding out by a friend that your own husband is cheating on you the day after you find out that you are pregnant Is probably the worst thing I have ever went through. I've been nothing but a good wife and mother and this is how he chooses to treat me after I had to sacrifice my life for this shit of a marriage
I just switch off my phone after seeing the post. A lot of comments were from female celebrities supporting me but

I just needed time to be with myself and process this it was just too much to handle.I just cried myself to sleep because I was hurt the pain was too much. I can't believe I've allowed myself to be turned into a housewife for this it's time for me to get my life back.

I didn't leave the room for the whole day. Ndalo came in and spent time with me she really thought I was sick because of my tear stained face I just went along with it and didn't tell her why my eyes were puffy. Maria could tell that something was wrong but I just didn't want to talk about it.

On Sunday I switched on my phone I had literally 30 missed calls from him. He sent me countless text messages tryna talk but I just ignore them. I took a shower and cried a little bit and I felt soo much better after that. I still had my unborn baby and ndalo to live for I should really stop stressing.

The kitchen
"Madame are you okay?" Maria asked as she saw me opening my door.
"Yes Maria I'm fine now thanks for asking"
"You know mam you can always talk to me when things are not going well I will be your support system" she said I know she meant well but I just didn't trust anyone anymore.
"Oh thanks Maria I will remember that"

I went on to the kitchen to have some avocado toast and just go back to my room.

Avocado toast with scrambled spinach eggs●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●I went back to the bedroom and started responding to my emails

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Avocado toast with scrambled spinach eggs
I went back to the bedroom and started responding to my emails. I was done being a housewife I was going to make something out of myself.
When I was still busy kwenzo walk in. I didn't even look at him I was soo disgusting and disappointed by him.

"Makhumalo" he called out and I just looked at him

"I am so sorry it was a mistake everything just happened so fast and I just...don't know how it happened" he said trying to get closer to me

"You left me here sick with a 3year old toddler to go cheat on me. I tried calling you and you didn't respond so it means it wasn't a mistake if you could reject all my calls and tell me that your busy" I screamed out crying

"I called you several time kwenzokuhle, I called to tell you that I'm Pregnant but it doesn't matter anymore I was soo excited only to wake up to cheating claims on social media the next day" I said wiping my tears which was point less because they were flowing.

"Wait you are pregnant?we are going to be parents?" He asked trying to touch my tummy but I moved his hands
"Yes now can you please leave I was doing something important before you walked in here"
"I'm really sorry my love it was a mistake"
"A mistake is when you break a glass unintentionally but cheating is not a mistake the fact that you were able to delete all the chats and act like nothing is happening shows that it is not a mistake" now please leave and close the door on your way out

He walked out and immediately after closing the door I cried I guess because the wound was still fresh and seeing him made my blood boil and I can't eat leave this marriage its till death do us apart.

His MaKhumaloWhere stories live. Discover now