Chapter 6

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The Zulu Wedding
Day 2
Everyone was exhausted from the white wedding but the festivities were far from being over. Today Thuli was being introduced to the Ngcobo Ancestors as kwenzo's bride. She had been up since 3am as she had to be at the gate of the Ngcobo Homestead at 5am. Her father did the traditional protocols and she left home Ngekhiste yakhe. She was able to sleep on the way there and at 5am she was at the gates of the Homestead In here Isizulu attire.

 She was able to sleep on the way there and at 5am she was at the gates of the Homestead In here Isizulu attire

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The aunts and uncles fetched her from the gates. They sang songs and said their clan names.
Nyuswa KaDingila!
We welcome you to the family makoti
They took her to Esibayeni and informed the ancestors of her arrival and then they poured inyongo on her and she was officially and fully a Ngcobo bride!.

They took her to kwenzo's hut and advised her on how to be a good wife and then changed her attire for the festivities.

They took her to kwenzo's hut and advised her on how to be a good wife and then changed her attire for the festivities

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The Wedding continued till late but this part of their wedding wasn't broadcasted so they didn't need to pretend to be in love

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The Wedding continued till late but this part of their wedding wasn't broadcasted so they didn't need to pretend to be in love.

Me:Yebo Ngcobo

Kwenzo:How are you feeling?you look tired

Me:Why do you care?you didn't care enough to plan this wedding with me now you are trying to be husband of the year *I said rolling my eyes*

Kwenzo:I told you to stop rolling your eyes at me didn't I MaKhumalo?Angithandi ukulokhu ngizi phinda phinda ngathi ngiyi radio


*As he was about to reply to her his friend called him he just looked at her and decided he will deal with her attitude later he knew he was wrong for not helping her plan the wedding but he didn't want to admit it to her*
The First night
Thuli's Pov

I am soo tired these two day have been too much for me. The wedding has been trending on Twitter for the past 2 days. I decided to take a bath before kwenzo comes in

As I was finishing up in the bathroom I heard the room door open and I knew he was here so ii wore my nightwear fast because he probably wants to take a shower too.

As I was finishing up in the bathroom I heard the room door open and I knew he was here so ii wore my nightwear fast because he probably wants to take a shower too

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I wore this sexy white nightwear and went to the bedroom. Kwenzo turns and just stared at me so I said something.

Me:Take a picture it lasts longer* I said to him*

Kwenzo:Why take a picture when I get to see this every single night *He said with a cocky smirk*

Me:Whatever please go take a shower, you can't sleep in the bed without taking one you will mess up the sheets * I said going to the mirror to apply my face products*

He went to take a shower while I prepared the bed it took him 10 minutes the he was done. He walked in with boxers only and my eyes immediately went down there to check!!

Kwenzo:You should take your own advice and take a picture* He said laughing
Me:Whatever* I said rolling my eyes*

Before I knew it he had my back pressed against the wall as he squeeze my neck not to tightly though

Kwenzo:What did I say to you about rolling your eyes at me *He whispered lowly in my ear*

Me: *I found myself moaning a little bit* You said I should stop doing it

Kwenzo:And what did you do just now?*He asked in a stern voice*

Me:I rolled my eyes at you *I said slowly*

Kwenzo:Well you have been a bad girl and when bad girls don't listen they get punished

Before I could comprehend what he meant by that he started kissing my neck leaving leaving hickeys.He was marking his territory for everyone to see

"Take off that nightwear slowly and look at me while doing so" he said in a deep sexyyy commanding voice

I tried protesting but the look he gave me told me to not do so I found myself taking off my night wear and stood naked infront of him. He took off his boxers and boy was he Huge I don't think he is going to fit

"Lie on your back and spread your legs he said and I did that he started suckiing my punani and I started moaning I could feel the big O coming and tried pushing his head out so I could close my legs but he held them tightly and I started squinting, I didn't know I could do that

He came to my face and put his dick I'm my mouth. I started sucking him gagging on his dick while he was moaning my name like crazyyy before I knew it he cummed in my mouth and I swallowed it.

He put his dick in and I screamed so bad because the girl hasn't had any in two years. He let me adjust to his size before he put my legs on his shoulders and started moving picking up his pace.

Me:Kwenzo you are in too deep I moaned trying to push him out a little bit. He grabbed my hands and held them.

Kwenzo:Ubani ukwenzo? He asked going in deeper

Me:Ngcobo.....ngiyacolisa "I said as he fucking me soo hard"

Kwenzo: Ucolisela ini mama?

Me:Ummh....ohh goshh* I couldn't even say anything because wow this niggas dick game was hectic*

Kwenzo: Ngiphendule phela mama!!he said in a serious tone

Me:For not listening and rolling my eyes Ngcobo.....ohh nkosi yam

Kwenzo:mhhh... uzofunda namhlanje mama ukungihlonipha.....eyakabani lenkomoq

Me:Ahhhhhhh.....Eyakho Ngcobo

At this point Kwenzokuhle fucked me sooo hard and all night long. I thought he would stop but no he had me cumming and squinting all night long. We slept at 5am in the morning.  I couldn't take it anymore I was soo tired

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