Chapter 23

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Bukhosi and Mbalenhle's bedroom
Things were very tense between Mbalenhle and Bukhosi. Everyone thought they had a perfect marriage but it was very far from being perfect. Mbalenhle didn't want to be a mother while bukhosi wanted to be a father he would literally do anything. Seeing all his brother's with kids made him have baby fever. He entered his bedroom to find Mbalenhle busy with her phone like always.
"Mbali" he called out
"Yes baby is there anything that you need?" She asked him putting her phone down
"Yes a baby" he said
"Argh not this again we spoke about this bukhosi I'm not ready to be a mother" she said picking up her phone.
"No you spoke and I listened you know that I want a child hack we have been married for 5 years and kwenzo has been married for 10 months but his wife is already pregnant with their second child" he shouted he was tired and had enough of mbali's I don't want to be a mother speech.
"Ohh so this is about them? If you want a child so much why don't you adopt one and leave me alone I don't want to be a mother bukhosi you need to get that in your head" she shouted
"I'm tired of this shit mbali I'm getting a second wife I can't do this anymore I will marry someone who is willing to compromise and understand that marriage is a two way street not a one way street" with that said he left slamming the door on his way out. All he wanted was to be a father and nothing else.

He went to the kitchen to get a beer and found thuli eating ice cream. She looked happy and pregnancy really suited her.
"Hi brother" she said in a happy voice
"Hey sis unjani?" He asked as he sat next to her
"I'm good just that your nephew is very heavy to carry"  she said still eating her ice cream.
"Don't worry it will all be over soon. How I wish mbali would give me a child" he said looking at her drinking a beer.
"Why don't you ask her?maybe she will agree if you ask her nicely"
"I've tried everything but she still doesn't want to I'm thinking of getting a second wife. Someone who will understand that in marriage there is certain things you need to compromise on"
"Haibo bhuti don't you think that's a bit too much? Maybe she will come around"
"She won't it's been 5 years of me waiting for her to come around but she is not planning on compromising that part for our marriage"
"Well good luck I hope you know what you are doing"
"Well I don't know yet but I know is that I want to be a father. But thanks for the talk mfazi ka bafo"
With that said he left and went looking for his father. One thing was for sure his mind was made up. He was getting a second wife.

The Garden
He found his parents sitting in the garden and decided to tell them of his plans.
"Sanibonani boNgcobo" he said sitting down
"Yebo ndodana" his parents replied
"I need to tell you guys something" he said looking at them.
"Okay that sounds serious " his father said
"I want to take a second wife. I know this may come off as a shock but for the past 5 years I've been begging mbali to make me a father but it looks like she is not planning too.she is set on not having kids and I want to be a father so I've decided to take a second wife.
"Ini uyahlanya wena bukhosi" his mother screamed
"Mah please understand that this is my life and i want to be a father I know you might not understand this but I need a child of my own" he said
"Well son you know that marriage is not easy but if you want a second wife as your father I will support toy because I want you to be happy and if this makes you happy then I won't stand in the way of your happiness" his father said to him giving him a smile
"Ini this is nonsense and wena Baba you are supporting him I cannot believe you sham" his mother said and left them there in the garden fuming going inside the house.
Looks like every marriage has its own flaws
So mbali and bukhosi's marriage is not so perfect after all
Second wife loadinggg

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