Chapter 14

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2 months later
I'm officially 3 months pregnant and boy it hasn't been easy for me. I experienced well still experiencing nausea and I'm always tired and I have been putting on a few pounds. My tummy is not really noticeable unless you know how to point out a pregnant woman.

Life on the other hand has been peaceful atleast kwenzo is now trending for the right reasons. Well we are going to kzn today to see the family and I get to see mbali bonkosi's wife who is kwenzo's older brother. I am not really excited because everyone will be advising me about being a good wife and they will find out this weekend that we are expecting.

"Makhumalo are you readyyy?we still have to go to the airport remember and also what is the little princess wearing because the weather is a humid in kzn?" I swear kwenzo can do anything without my help in this house.

"Yes I'm really let me come help ndalo get dressed" I went to ndalo's room and boy my baby Is grown up I feel like ever since she came back from kzn she is a little distant.

"Ndalo baby what do you want to wear?do you want me to do your hair today?" I asked her sitting her on my lap
"Yess please mommy are we going to gogo's house?"
"Yes but we are coming back on monday"
"Mmh.. okay mommy"
"Are okayy babyy?" I asked because she looked sad something must be wrong
"*sniffs* no.. mommy are you going to stop loving me because of the new baby?"
"Noo babyy why would you think that you know I love you a lot you are the best daughter any mother would be proud to have" I said whipping her tears
"My friends said when the new baby arrives you will stop loving me"
"No I won't baby you will always be my little princess and you will be a big sister to the baby okay"
"Okay mommy"
"Now let's get you ready so that we can leave before daddy starts shouting"

We all finished getting ready and left for the airport. I was worried about how my in laws were going to react  about us keeping the pregnancy a secret for 3 whole months but then they will be fine.
Their outfits

Ndalo's outfit

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Ndalo's outfit

Thuli's outfit

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Thuli's outfit

Kwenzo's outfit

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Kwenzo's outfit

I decided to wear baggy clothes to hind the little bump. I'm a little scared to meet the other wife's as I don't know how they will treat me. We landed at kzn and got into the car and drove home, as we got there I got a little scared as we got out of the car and kwenzo carried ndalo as she was too heavy for me to carry her.
We got inside the house after the house help opened the door and went to the dinning area where the whole family was.

"Sanibonani boNgcobo oMapholoba!" Kwenzo said greeting as everyone started standing up
"Yebo ndodana nawe makoti" Baba said greeting us back
"Yebo Baba" I said bowing my hand a little bit. Mah stood up and came to give me a hug
"Thulisiwe kunjani ndodakazi?" Mah said
"Ngiyaphila mah unjani wena?"I replied
"Ngiyaphila come let's go have dinner we were waiting for you bukhosi and nkosiyabo will come tomorrow for the party" mah said
I was soo confused as to what party she was talking about but chose to ask kwenzo later. We went to the dining area as we were eating kwenzo decided to tell his parents about the pregnancy
"Baba nawe mah khona into esifuna ukunitshela yona" like what the fuck bruh. I thought we were doing this later not now.
"Yebo ndodana silalele" ubaba replied
"Umkami ukhulelwe we are going to be parents again" mah jumped in joy I could tell she was ecstatic.
"How far long are you makoti?"
"3 months mah"
"Haibo makoti so you kept this pregnancy hidden for 3 months and didn't tell us" she said like she was sort off offended which I didn't understand why.
"Because mah the day I found out was the same day I found out that kwenzo was cheating on me so I was going through alot in this 3 months and trying to not loss this baby so I'm sorry for not telling you that I was pregnant but it's not like you tried to call and check up on me after that whole incident" I said losing my appetite and standing up to leave.
"Hlala phansi makoti you can't just leave without finishing your food"
"Ngiyabonga Baba but I'm nolonger hungry I'm just going to go to sleep"
With that said I left the table I can't believe kwenzo just sat there are listened to his mother speak like that to me.

I got to our room took a bath but not before checking on my baby to find her sleeping. I changed and got into bed scrolling through Instagram and kwenzo got in I just turned my back on him.
"Babe I'm sorry" he said sitting on the bed
"Nx you just like doing things your own way didn't we agree that we would announce it after dinner kwenzo you just had to do it over dinner" I said sitting up
"I just couldn't hold it in okay so I'm sorry"
"After doing that you threw me under the bus and didn't defend me when your mom said all of that"
"I'm sorry but you also disrespect her the way you responded to her and you need to apologize"
"You are such a mama's boy kwenzo instead of you defending me you are here telling me to apologize, when are you actually going to grow up kwenzo?"
"Yeyyii Makhumalo don't talk to me like that I get that you are mad but don't talk to me like that"
"Nx uyangibhora shame" with that said I closed my eyes and went to sleep. I was so annoyed and wanted to smack him
Sorry for the late update you guyss!!!
Next chapter I'm introducing the Ngcobo Brothers and their wifes

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