Chapter 43

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Me and busiseka went to back to ndalo's ward and we sat with her. As we were still laughing her doctor walked in with a smile.
"Miss Khumalo I have good news for you today"
"Oh really is my baby finally leaving this place?"
"Yes but she is leaving tomorrow and also I have appointed a nurse to help with her wound I hope that's not a problem"
"No its all good as long as she is back home with us"
"Okay let me leave you guys enjoy your day ohh and happy birthday by the way"
"Thank you"
She left and I felt relieved that tomorrow my princess will be at home safe with me.
"Babyy did you hear that? You are coming home tomorrow" I smiled at her
"Yesss¡ is sma going to come tomorrow aunty b?"
"Yes you guys can have a little sleepover as your welcome home party"
"Thank you aunty b" she screamed I was so happy to see her smiling I know that this hasn't been easy for her. She is really my strong young girl. Once visiting hours were up we left with B. She went back to her house while I went to the shops. I bought alot of snacks and cake because i didn't like going out. I got home at 6pm. Just as I was having a glass of wine Lawrence called.
"Mr Maleka how can I help you?"
"Well you can help me by going on a date with me tonight plus it's still your birthday"
"I don't feel like going out tonight I just want to stay in"
"Please Thuli just this one date"
"But Lawrence"
"Okay fine where are we meeting up?"
"Don't worry yourself about that all you have to do is come outside I'm waiting for you" I went to my window to check if he wasn't lying and he really was outside.
"Okay fine give me 5mins I'm coming" I dropped the call and told Maria that I was going out good thing nkosana was already napping. I took my bag and keys and this nigga was driving a beast.

He got out and opened the door for me but not before hugging Me

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He got out and opened the door for me but not before hugging Me. I got in and waited for him to get to his side and we hit the road listening to some Rnb. Dance for you by beyonce was playing.
"I didn't take you for the beyonce type" I said laughing at him.
"Well her songs just have that thing man."
"Yeah her music is wild so where are you talking me?'
"There is this Asian restaurant I want to try in Sandton so I thought why not do it with you"
"Hmm okay I hope we won't end up at a McDonald's drive thru" I said giving him a quizzical look
"Hah just trust we won't"
We continued having a conversation until we got to the restaurant which is called Tang.we got a table by the window to look at the beautiful Sandton view.
"Now tell me about yourself Lawrence"
"Well I'm Lawrence Maleka I'm 29yrs old I have no kids. I have 2 sisters and a brother I own a chain of restaurants and hotels around the African continent and a construction company too and both parents are still alive what about you?" Whew! How do I describe myself after he had just gave me that brief description about himself.
"Well I'm Thulisiwe Khumalo I'm 25yrs old I have two kids I have a cosmetics store. I have a B.A in Marketing and I'm a divorcee. My mom passed away when I was younger my dad is around with my stepmother and step siblings" I said drinking my gin and tonic.
The waiter came and took our orders I ordered a sushi platter and he ordered some stake and ribs. Man and meat"
"How long have you been divorced Tee?"
"6 months and counting you?"
"3 years"
"What happened in your marriage Lawrence you don't really talk about it"
"Well she was in it for the money and when I faced a financial crisis she left saying she is not meant to be with a poor man"
"What that's crazy! That's so mean and inhumane but I guess it's true when they says when days are darker people's true character comes out"
"Yeah what happened with yours?"
"Well it was a arranged marriage that started off perfectly we were in love or so I thought. He told me about his daughter days before our wedding and I accepted her and became her mother. When I found out I was pregnant I also found out he was cheating I almost lost my baby but thank God I didn't he promised to change but after I gave birth he started cheating again this time with my bestfriend and was nolonger playing the father role to our kids so I left" this is the first time I actually get to explain what happened In my marriage to someone.
"When was your breaking point?" He was so invested in this story.
"When I saw my kids crying and questioning if he still loved them. They cried for hours and I told myself u wasn't going to raise my kids in a toxic situation so I woke up the next day and left"
"You are a strong woman and a good mother Thulisiwe " he rubbed my hands as we continued eating. I loved how he wanted to know more about me and know the real me not the social media me.
"Okay enough with the emotional talks what's your deal breaker in a relationship"
"Lies I will never lie to you and If I do it I will own up to it but I honestly hate lies you?"
"Cheating don't cheat if you want me to be loyal I'm gonna leave your ass I don't play like that"
"What do you look for in a relationship thuli?"
"Loyalty, honesty and love and security I want to feel safe when I'm with you and everything. What about you?
"Love, friendship and trust"
We continued talking and had some cake until it was time to go as it was getting late. As we were driving back to my house I felt happy.
"Thank you for this Lawrence I really needed it"
"You are welcome your highness" he smiled
"You have a beautiful smile" I said to him looking at him.
"Are you trying to make me blush?"
"Is it working?"
"Yes" he smiled more. I just felt at peace with him he is understanding and patient and very kind and loving. We got to my house and we got out of the car and he walked me to my front door.
"Thank you again Lawrence"
"I'm glad you enjoyed mama and you honored the invite"
"I really needed this I have been going through a lot with this whole case thing"
"I'm here for you and you are going to win this case"
"I don't think Mr Glober will win this one I need a very ruthless lawyer"
"I will send you the contact info of Sandra Stain and she will help you she is a beast in the court room"
"Thank you Lawrence have a goodnight" I hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Goodnight to you too"
"Text me when you get home okay" I said smiling at him

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