Chapter 47

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Kwenzokuhle's Pov
Well it's been a week since faith has been back from prison. She gave birth the same day she got back at night so I'm officially a father to 3 young kids and living with a newborn has been hell. I've now come to realize how I've abused Thulisiwe it might have not been physically but it was definitely emotional I left her with a newborn and was always busy with faith now this little one is dealing with me. We named him banele because I think 3 kids Is enough I don't need another one to add on the equation.
"Babe can you please get me his bottle it's in the kitchen on the counter" Yes faith doesn't breastfeed she pumps the milk apparently she does want her boobs to be shaggy.
"Okay" I left my home office to the kitchen took the bottle and went to the nursey to give it to her.
"Thank you daddy" she smiled taking the bottle and feeding her. Yes it's another girl
"Can you please call Mavis when you need something I'm busy with work"
"Haibo kwenzo I didn't make this child with Mavis so please don't tell me that nonsense"
"Ini faith you must decide what you want you think all  this money you are spending on online shopping grows from trees? The clothes for the baby and necessities where do you think I get the money? You need to stop annoying me right now nxn"
"Ohh so I'm annoying now kwenzo?"
"Yes you are! Why can't you be like Thulisiwe and be a good a humble wife"
"Because I'm not her I'm me and Incase you want her back always remember that she moved on to greener prestures to a man who is wayy richer than your whole families net worth combined"
"What did you just say faith repeat what you just said"
"I said she moved..'slap.. ahhhhhhh"
"Phinda futhi" he said fuming
"Kwenzo did you just slap me?" Faith asked with tears streaming down her face and her child in her arm.
"Yes and I will do it again if you continue spewing nonsense with that thing you call a mouth" he left her there crying. Faith couldn't believe it kwenzo had just laid his hands on her for the first with thar too in the presence of their 6 days old infant.
Thulisiwe Pov
So today I'm going out to Irene farm with the kids and Lawrence it was his idea actually. Maria went home for the weekend and I thought it was time for the kids to meet Lawrence so I hope it goes well. My baby is healing well and nkosana is also growing we are just happy. We got ready and waited for Lawrence

Me and the kids decided that we were all going to wear shorts today. As we were waiting we heard a car engine roaring outside I figured it was Lawrence that man loves his cars. He looked good with the whole cap and relax attire he also had some shorts on.

He was driving a Lamborghini Urus and he got out of the car to meet the kids before we leave.
"Hi guys I'm uncle Lawrence but you can call me uncle law" he said kneeling down to their level with a smile
"He is mommy's friend guys say hii"
"Hii uncle law" they said with a smile
"Are you guys ready to have some fun today?"
"Yesss" they said jumping up and down
"Okay guys come on let's go before we get late"
They all ran to Lawrence car with him running behind them. This guys is not serious these kids will over work him today. He open the doors for the backseat and put the in the car seats that were in there before opening my door.
"Thank youu"
"He ran to his side and got in and started the car and we left with him playing Cocomelon music driving the kids insane as they kept singing along. They sang until we got there and it was a very lovely place k don't want to lie.

 They sang until we got there and it was a very lovely place k don't want to lie

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We started at the animal side were the kids could feed the cows. Ndalo and nkosana kept jumping and laughed around it was soo funny. And they looked so happy and that made me smile. Lawrence was carrying both of them in his arms while I carried my bag and a little hand helper bag for the kids.
"Guys do you want to get on the tractor?" Lawrence asked them
"Yes uncle law you will get on with us right?" Said ndalo miss know it all
"Yess I will come let's go"
"Mom come!" They all shouted at me. Arghh this kids are ganging up on me with Lawrence. Anyway I took them pictures on the tractors then we went to have lunch in the restaurant they had.
"So what do you guys want?"
"Burgers!!" They shouted happily
"Okay I will yet you burgers, Chips and nuggets okay?"
"Yes mommy"
We ordered our food as we were eating the kids started asking Lawrence questions.
"Uncle law are you our new daddy?" Ndalo asked dropping a bomb on us.
"I can be but only if your mom agrees to be my wife" Lawrence said smiling.
"Mommy say yes please I like him. He is very nice and plays with us unlike our daddy" ndalo said with a sad look on her face. She didn't want to go and see her dad after that incident that took place.
"Okay I will think about it"
"Please MaMashobane"
"Please mommy"
"Okayy fine"
"Yessz you are the best" I agree for him to be their daddy but husband is a little to quick. I know it's been like 6/7 months of us finding our way to each other but he needs to propose to me properly.
"Okay who wants icecream?"
"Me!me!" The kids shouted nkosana loves ice cream he always wants to eat ice cream which is not good for his healthy that's why I limit his intake. We had ice cream played some more and left around 5pm. The kids were sleeping on the way back.
"Thank you Lawrence It's been long since I've seen them this happy and care free. So thank you for doing this"
"Well their my kids too now and I will do absolutely anything to keep that smile on their faces so don't thank me"
"You are the best but you still need to propose to me properly Lawrence. You need to understand also that I have been married before and I'm not trying to repeat the same mistakes I did which led to my divorce"
"Thuli I'm also a divorcee but what I will nor do is play with your heart I genuinely love you. I always want to be close to you because your smile makes my day and I love you with your kids so please don't ever doubt my love and the proposal I'm going to give you the proposal of your dreams just you watch and see"
We drove and got home pretty late he helped me put the kids in bed and I asked him to sleep over because it was really late. And yes he slept in the guest bedroom for now

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