Chapter 22

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We all got of the plane and entered separate cars normally in a situation like this I would be happy that I'm with my husband and daughter in the same car but because I was still mad it was the most silent and awkward car ride we ever had. We finally arrived at the villa and we were the last ones to get here. I won't lie Greece Santorini is beautiful and the villa was beautiful it was an eyesore.
The villa

We got inside the house kwenzo tried to hold my hand so that we would look like a happy family but a bluntly refused

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We got inside the house kwenzo tried to hold my hand so that we would look like a happy family but a bluntly refused. We got to where the family was and greeted everyone and sat down for dinner as we were eating mah started speaking to me.
"Thuli are you okay? You look like you were crying is everything okay with the baby?" She said making everyone turn their eyes on me this is why I hate being light skinned.
"I'm okay mah it's just these crazy pregnancy hormones but I'm fine" I said giving her a small smile
"Yeah pregnancy can be alot but don't worry you are at the finished line" she said
"Yeahh I can't wait because I need to launch my business but I didn't want to do it while pregnant" I replied having some water.
"Well that's good my child and I know that you will make a good business woman" Baba said smiling
"Ngiyabonga Baba" I said giving him a smile
We all finished eating and because we were jetlag we decided to all go to our room and rest. I asked Busiseka to help me with the stairs I could tell that kwenzo didn't like that but that's not my problem I finally made  it to my bedroom.
I got to our room and took off my shoes and ran a bath for myself. I took a bath and got ready for bed just as I was in bed scrolling through my phone kwenzo came in and I just ignored him. He went to the bathroom took a shower and came back and joined me in bed he tried holding me but I removed his hands.
"Can you please let me sleep in peace? I don't want to annoy you in your sleep" I said still not looking at him
"Haibo Makhumalo you are still mad about what happened in the plane? You know I'm working on a important proposal and you nagging me isn't helping at all" he said rubbing his hand in frustration.
"I would like to sleep If that's a problem for you please tell me so that I can go sleep with my daughter" I said but deep down inside I was hurt.
"So that everyone can know that we are having problems? No ways you are going to sleep in this room" He said in a stern voice
"Then let me sleep and keep your hands to yourself don't even think about touching me nxn" I said and turned to sleep. I heard him also sleep there was literally a huge gap between us in the bed but I didn't care this nigga was full of shit.
The Next Morning
I woke up feeling really sick so I just woke up and realized that kwenzo was not in the room I could smell his cologne. I had this crazy headache probably from all the crying I've been doing. I took a bath and checked the time it was 10am I'm pretty sure everything has had breakfast right now. I got dressed and looked cute in my belly. I wore a 3 piece lounge outfit from skims.

 I wore a 3 piece lounge outfit from skims

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I took my phone and went downstairs. I realized that the villa had a lift so i took the lift to get downstairs. All  the adults were sitting in the lounge and the kids were in the playroom with the nannies.
"Good morning family" I said as I sat down next to Busiseka instead of kwenzo.
"Morning mommy bear how are you feeling?" Mah asked
" hungry is there any food?" I asked
"Yes I saved you some" Kwenzo said as he got up and went to bring me the food.
"Thank you" I said taking the food and eating the food.
They all kept on talking while I finished eating and took the plate to the kitchen and kwenzo followed me and hugged me from the back.
"I'm sorry I was veryy insensitive to you and I was a jerk please forgive your stupid husband" he said kissing my neck
"No I will only forgive you on one condition?" I said to him.
"What is that condition?" He asked still kissing my neck
"If you get me chicken and fried rice" I said to him
"But where will I get that here?" He asked
"I don't know you make  a plan that's what your baby wants to eat" I said and left him in the kitchen

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