Chapter 40

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That's all I felt what happened to ndalo?she was okay when I left them now she is admitted all of this doesn't make any sense. Good thing I hadn't unpacked my things I called the pilot to get the jet ready while I ubered to the airport. God I hope my baby is okay please keep her safe for me. I rushed to the jet those 2 hours I sat in that jet were the most long and painful hours of my life. Thank God I left my car at OR TAMBO so it was easier for me to get to the hospital. The first thing I did was talk to the nurse at the reception.
"Hi mam what room is Buhlebendalo Ngcobo?"
"Sorry mam but who are you? I can't disclose such information to you"
"I'm her mother and I need to know where she is"
"Oh okay she is on the 5th in the kids burnt unit"
"Ohh thank you"
What the fuck did she mean by kids burnt unit? How can ndalo get burnt when she was under the care of her father and Maria?all of this shit isn't making sense. I got to the 5th floor in the kids burnt unit there were the Ngcobos sitting there.
"Kwenzo wtf happened to my child?how did she get burned?" I asked with tears flowing
"Haibo thuli when did you get here? I thought you were in Cape Town" asked a very sacred kwenzo
"Please don't ask me nonsense what happened to my child kwenzo?" I asked with tears streaming down my face.
"Makoti calm down"? Kwenzo's mother said
"I'm not your makoti now what the hell happened to my child Maria what happened?"
"Madam I was changing nkosana's diaper so I left ndalo with faith who agree to look after her but when j was done i heard ndalo screaming with a burned arm"
"What!!!kwenzo lesfebe sakho siyekhe ingane yami ishe"[Kwenzo your harlot let my child burn herself]
"Please let's reframe from name calling" bukhosi said and in that moment faith walked it I couldn't help it but slap her.
"Ouch! Wtf thuli why did you slap me?"
"I knew you hated me faith but I didn't think you would let my child get burned under your care I'm getting you and your husband arrested and I want full custody of my kids wena kwenzo. You will see them in supervised areas I can't trust you with anything" I screamed as I broke down
"It was a mistake thuli please don't take my kids away from me" kwenzo said shocked about my whole outburst.
"You don't deserve to be a father in fact all of you need to leave. My child is lying on that bed because of you"
"Thuli relax" kwenzo said trying to touch me
"Don't touch me with your filthy hands I said leave before I lose it and call security and the police to have you escourted" I said and they all left with remorseful looks on their faces. Ndalo is going to have to live with a burn scar because of that witch I will never forgive her and that stupid husband of hers.

Maria left me with nkosana as she went to take their belongings at Kwenzo's house. At 3am the doctor allowed us to see her even though she was sleeping.
Her whole left arm was bandaged that sight if her broke my heart.
"Baby mommy is here okay and I won't let anyone hurt you anymore okay! I love you princess" I kissed her forehead.
I took Nkosana home I needed some few hours to catch some sleep.i got home and got nkosana ready for bed he was going to sleep with me tonight
Kwenzo's house
"Faith how the fuck does my child get burned under your supervision? I asked you to do one thing for me which was to take care of her but you failed at doing that how are you going to take care of that child in your tummy?" Kwenzo asked faith fuming
"I was busy with something on Instagram and she said she wanted food so I told her to go make it herself she is old enough moss" faith said with a nonchalant attitude.
"Yini?uyahlanya wena yazi(what's?you are crazy) how do you ask a 4yr old to go make food for themselves?if thuli takes my kids away from me uzongazi kahle"
"Ohh don't worry about those brats baby we still have our own baby on the way" kwenzo just lost it and grabbed her by the throat.
"Don't you ever in your miserable life call my kids brats do you hear me faith! Otherwise you will go back to your parents tin house Sies"
All faith could do was cry after kwenzo let go of her throat it was clear to her now she actually didn't know the man she married. She was soo focused on the fame of being married to one of the Ngcobo brothers she forgot that every person has their own demons
Thulisiwe woke up and gave nkosana a kiss. She was worried about ndalo and how she was going to need psychological help in future because of the bully she will undergo in school. At this moment she hated kwenzo and hid wife. She got nkosans ready for them to go see his sister at the hospital. She also got ready

 She also got ready

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As Maria was feeding nkosana thuli's phone rang and it was Lawrence

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As Maria was feeding nkosana thuli's phone rang and it was Lawrence.
"Hi beautiful lady how are you?"
"I'm not okay Lawrence I had to fly back to jhb last night my daughter got admitted in hospital" she said stopping herself from crying.
"Oh no what happened mama I thought everything was fine"
"I also thought so too she got burned by water because her stepmother told her to go make herself some food. Imagine how do you tell a 4yr to go prepare their own food?"
"What that's crazy! Layo mfazi needs to be arrested for negligence"
"She will just get out on Bail because the Ngcobos have the power to do what they want".
"Well cases of negligence are taken seriously and who knows you might even get full custody of you kids"
"Mmh you have a strong point thank you for the advice and sorry for ruining the plans we had together"
"Well not all is ruined your birthday Is tomorrow and I'm going to be in joburg to spend it with my wife" I blushed when he said wife.
"Angikhumbuli ukhipa inkomo mina( I don't remember you paying my bride price)
"Thoses are just formalities love just wait and see okay now go to the hospital and check on how our daughter is bye"
Before I could respond he drop the phone. Lawrence is crazy mara eyy

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