Chapter 24

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Thuli was sitting on the poolside with Busiseka and the kids when mbali decided to come and join them.

Thuli was sitting on the poolside with Busiseka and the kids when mbali decided to come and join them

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Our pregnant mommy in her swimsuit
"Hi guys can I join you?" Mbali asked them. Thuli and busiska both looked at each shocked.
"Yeah sure" I said as I continued eating my fruit bowl
"I wanted to apologize to you guys for how I've treated you both. I was wrong for doing that and I'm so sorry" she said to us drinking her cocktail.
"Why did you do it?" Busiseka asked
"I was jealous of both of you. You guys are working mother's and I just a working wife who isn't ready to give her husband a child" she said
"Why don't you just give him the child mbali? You guys have been together for 5 years and he has been patient and understanding with you" Busiseka told her I just kept quiet because I knew that bukhosi wanted a second wife.
"It's not that easy I would sacrifice alot of things I've already sacrifice my modelling career for this marriage what more do I have to sacrifice? Why can't he understand that I don't want to be a mother? She said as she cried.
"Well he told me that he wants a second wife mbali so I thinking you should just compromise this one thing for your marriage don't add a third person in the mix because once that woman gives him the child he might fall out of love with you" I said looking at her straight in the eye I know it sounds harsh but someone has to tell her.
"He also told you about that? I thought he was joking when he said that this morning in our bedroom" she said looking all shocked.
"Well I saw him speaking to the parents and mah left there fuming so he could have told the parents about this" Busiseka said as she checked the kids
"Oh my word what am I going to do?" She asked crying
"Get off that birth control pill and give that man a child that's what you can do" I said to her
"Do you think that will help?" She asked
"That's the only way you can save your marriage so think about it" I responded.

We continued talking about the places we should visit tomorrow with the kids and kwenzo came to the poolside with a takeaway packet.
"Mamakhe" he said kissing me
"Is that my food?" I asked trying to take the packet from his hands
"Yes but first you have to give me a kiss" he said plucking his lips out
"Argh you guys you know that we are right here with you right" Busiseka and mbali said laughing
"Leave us alone Nina. Baby nikeza indoda yakho ikiss tuu" kwenzo said he looked soo cute and I just couldn't resist it. I gave him the kiss and he gave me my food

"Owww this looks sooo delicious" I said as I opened the packet and started eating

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"Owww this looks sooo delicious" I said as I opened the packet and started eating. They all laughed at me and the guys came to join us.
"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Nkosi asked
"I was thinking banjee jumping" Kwenzo said as he rubbed my belly.
"I can't do that the doctor said not extreme activies" I said as I ate my wings
"Well you can just come to look after the babies and take our pictures" kwenzo said kissing my cheeks
"Mxm do I look like a photographer to you wena?" I said sulking.
"Relax we will get you anything you want if you just allow us to do this one thing" bukhosi said
"Anything I want are you guys serious?" I asked happily
"Yes anything bukhosi said
"Well I guess we are going banjee jumping tomorrow" I said.
They all screamed as they were happy that I finally agreed we spent the whole afternoon in the poolside mah and ubaba ended up joining us

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