chapter 9

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I finished getting ready and realized that I don't actually have a car so how was I going to get there?I decided to uber and avoided using kwenzo's cars because I didn't want to use the with him knowing.
My uber arrived and I went to the Fireroom Restaurant in Bedfordview. As I arrived I saw faith waiting for me outside

I hugged her
"Hawu mge why are you waiting outside your could have gotten us a table" I said as we walked inside the restaurant and got a table.
"I also just got here chomi and saw you getting out of your uber and decided to wait for you"
The waiter came and we order some food and drinks and start our conversation.
"So how is married life treating you?"
"Yhoo sana it's still a little awkward but then we kinda had sex on our first night together"
"OH my goshhhhh" she screamed in excitement forget that we are in a restaurant
"Shhh... your making noise chomii"
"I just can't believe that you finally got rid of that spider web that was down there so how was it"
"It was amazing he had me screaming for hours I couldn't even walk chomii"
"Heeeeeee!!!I see why him and nkosi are friends nows"
We pause our convo as the food came we thanked the waiter and started eating

"Wait so you fucked nkosi" I asked in disbelief
"It just happened mahn chomiie after your wedding we met at a club and one thing led to another and we had sex and now we are trying this relationship thingy" she replied smiling I wish me and kwenzo had that opportunity
"Oh well am happy for you chomi and I hope he treats you well"
We finished eating and paid the bill and left she gave me a ride home because this girl right here is a wife and a mother.

Their outfits and Instagram post

Faith_Gumede: It's giving rich aunt vibes😹🔥😻Thulisiwe Ngcobo and 30k other people liked this postThembinkosi Mthembu:MaZulu nkosi yamii🌞💕💕

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Faith_Gumede: It's giving rich aunt vibes😹🔥😻
Thulisiwe Ngcobo and 30k other people liked this post
Thembinkosi Mthembu:MaZulu nkosi yamii🌞💕💕

Thulisiwe Ngcobo: A Baddie🤎😈🤍Kwenzokuhle and Faith and 500k others liked this postKwenzokuhle:Ngakhetha kahlee🦋❤●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●HomeI got home and decided to cook today since I had nothing to do I should really start lo...

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Thulisiwe Ngcobo: A Baddie🤎😈🤍
Kwenzokuhle and Faith and 500k others liked this post
Kwenzokuhle:Ngakhetha kahlee🦋❤
I got home and decided to cook today since I had nothing to do I should really start looking for a job now I can't be a housewife. That is so not me I asked Maria to let me cooks. I made chicken Alfredo pasta with white sauce. Surprisingly kwenzo came back early with ndalo.

"MAMA!!!"she screamed running to hug me
"Oh baby I missed youu" I said hugging her little body
"I missed you too momma"
"I know my love go put your bag in your room and ask Maria to help you wash your hands for dinner okay"
"She just nodded and ran to her room"

"Sawubona mama" kwenzo said hugging me from the back kissing my neck.
"Heyy.... how was your day Mapholoba?" I asked trying to stop myself from moaning. Is this guy tryna make me horny because it's working.
"It's good now that I've seen my beautiful wife now what did you make for dinner I'm straving" he asked still kissing me.
"" I said moaning
"Mmh okay let me leave you and go freshen up" he said leaving me hanging like wtf bruh. Anyways we had dinner with ndalo telling us about her day and you could tell that she enjoyed going to school we finished everything and put the dishes in the dishwasher and help ndalo get ready for bed before tucking her in and going to my room.

I went to take a shower because wow this day has been hectic and too cool off from this high. I just put on my pj's and did my skin routine before going to bed

Her pj's "Ubuyephi namhlanje MaKhumalo?" Kwenzo asked he sounded a little mad  okay what's his problem"Kade ngiphumile ngino faith we had lunch at the Fireroom" I said getting into bed"Manje Kungani ungangitshelanga?futhi ngungani ungathathanga im...

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Her pj's
"Ubuyephi namhlanje MaKhumalo?" Kwenzo asked he sounded a little mad  okay what's his problem
"Kade ngiphumile ngino faith we had lunch at the Fireroom" I said getting into bed
"Manje Kungani ungangitshelanga?futhi ngungani ungathathanga imoto yalana ekhaya?he asked looking straight into my eyes.
"Bengingafuni ukuhlupha ngokuthi ngisebenzise izinto  zakho ngaphandle kwemvumo yakho"
"Mmmh" he said and stood up and went to the bathroom. I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding he came back butt naked and got into the bed .

"Why are you naked kwenzo?ziphi impahla zakho?"I asked feeling a little bit mad
"Well I can't sleep with clothes on and in fact I think we should both sleep naked no clothes allowed on the bed"
"What? No all you wanna do is have sex that's why you are looking at me with those bedroom eyes" I said his eyes were half closed he looked like a man on a mission.
"I don't want clothes on the bed Mina so take them off so that we can sleep because we are not sleeping until you do so" I reluctantly took off my clothes and switch off the lights getting into bed.

I woke to kwenzo's head in between my legs and his tongue on my clit
"Kwe..nzo mmh.fuck"
"Mmh mama" he said inserting his tongue inside me which trigger my orgasm
"Fuck.. babyy I'm cum...mming" I don't even know why  I called him baby but damn his tongue game was good. He stopped and inserted his dick and we both moaned out.
"Fuckkkk!" We both moaned out
"Mmh.. babyy you feel so good and tight around me right now" he groaned
I grabbed his face and kissed him as he was giving me deep strokes
"Whose pussy is this Makhumalo" he asked going in deeper
"Fuck...mmm.. yours kwen..zo" I said breathless
"Ubani ukwenzo?"he asked picking up his pace
"Fuckk...Ngcobo"he went faster and before I knew it he was cumming inside of me leaving his seed. He took me to the bathroom and we took a shower together after that I limped to ndalo's room to get her ready I found her awake God I hope she didn't hear me screaming

"Good morning babyy how are you" I asked taking her to the bathroom
"I'm good morning" she yearned I helped her get ready and we went for breakfast. We all had oats as that's what Maria prepared today for breakfast.
"I was thinking that you go with me to drop ndalo at her school today" kwenzo said touching my thighs
"Mmh  ayikho inkinga I could use so fresh air*
We finished breakfast and went to drop ndalo at her school and he came back home with me I thought he was dropping me off and going back to the office but he stayed.

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