Chapter 48

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The Ngcobo's household
6 months later
Faith Pov
Here I am sitting in the pool of my own blood all because I asked him where he slept yesterday he beat me to a pulp. Thank God for Mavis otherwise my child would be crying for my attention and I wouldn't be able to get to her. I need the to go to the hospital I need a doctor I think my ribs are fractured.
"Kwenzo please help me I will never question you again I'm sorry" here I was being this man that put Me in this state to help Me.
"Why should I help you faith? All you do is nag me this is all your fault"
"Because our daughter needs me please just call the doctor for Me I will be the wife you want me to be I will be humbled like Thulisiwe I promise"
"Do you really mean that?"
"Yes babyy please help me"
"He helped me up and took me to the bathroom he gave me a bath and helped me wear my pj's before calling the doctor while cleaning up my blood. What have I gotten myself into God? This man is unstable. The doctor came in and put ice on my ribs before applying ointment and bandaged them and gave me so pain killers and medicine for my bruised face. He didn't say anything just did what he was paid for and left.
We are back in Cape Town and the kids are with Busiseka. She was having them for a sleepover and their uncles missed them so it was their weekend. We got here Thursday night and today it's Friday. Lawrence is on a business call right now and I'm getting ready to go to the pool.

"Mmh you look soo sexy right now I don't anyone to see you" he said kissing my neck leaving lovebites

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"Mmh you look soo sexy right now I don't anyone to see you" he said kissing my neck leaving lovebites.
"Ohh really why don't you join me law?" I asked playing with his beard he likes it when I do that.
"I will join you later I have a serious business meeting then I will be back and I will take you out for dinner it will just be the two of us I promise okay"
"Okay fine be safe out there"
"I will now give me my kiss" he said leaning in and I kissed him.
"See you later" he said spanking my ass
"Lawrence" I shouted
"Bye" he laughed out as he left me. I went to the poolside with my book and enjoyed myself. Good thing this is a private type of place so it was not crowded at the poolside.
Business meeting
Lawrence Pov
"What do you have for me Blade?"
"Well boss this guy has been asking around about you.  I think he wants something from you"
"Who is this fool that's disturbing my weekend with my queen?"
"Her ex Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo. Apparently he wants her back now"
"He is crazy If he thinks he is getting her after the shit he put her through I will be damned if I left him even get close to her. Keep tabs on him it's time we pay him a little vist"
"Okay sho bozza"
Yes I'm a Mafia Don the most feared in the country and no one can Identify me because no one knows how I really look. It's better when no one can identify you it gives you more advantage more that anyone. Anyways this is one of the biggest weekends ever I'm asking Thuli to marry me. This thing of us playing around has to stop I  need wife and she fits perfectly to be my wife so let me get back to her. I'm only proposing tomorrow.
Thuli's Pov
I went back to our suite to get ready since my man is taking me out to dinner. I put on a orange sexy kinda outfit to just mess with him.

Just as I was done getting ready he came in still in the suit he left in this morning

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Just as I was done getting ready he came in still in the suit he left in this morning.
"Baby go get ready before we get late" I said to him as I put on my lipstick.
"I'm ready babe you are the star of the night not me so I don't want to outshine you" I just laughed
"Ohh baby we outshine each love that's why they love us soo much"
"Mmh okay come let's go"
We left and went to this cool seafood boil restaurant. We got in and got our table before ordering our food.
"You remembered that I've always wanted to have so seafood boil"
" that's because I listen attentively when you speak"
"Ohh you are soo sweet"
"Anything for you my love now let's eat"
Oh my word the food was amazing we eat had ice cream for dessert and went back to our hotel. I put on one of Lawrence's shirts because I love sleeping in them and called my babies.
"Hey guys"
"Hey mommy how are you?"
"I'm good I miss you guys"
"We miss you too where is daddy?" Yes they call Lawrence daddy now.
"I'm here how are you my little munchkins"
"We miss you nkosi has been crying for youu"
"Ohhmy little champ misses me. Give him the phone" ndalo shifted the camera to nkosana whose face lit up the moment he saw Lawrence.
"Daddyyy!!" He screamed laughing
"Hey champ do you kiss me?"
"Yess please come back"
"We will be back soon and we are going to buy you alot of toys and play soccer outside okay"
"Me and mommy love you guys okay goodnight"
The kids hung up it was soo nice to see him play the father role to my kids and love them like his own. I got on his lap.
"Did I tell you how sexy you look everytime you sleep in my shirts?"
"Yes but I love hearing you say it"
"Well you love sexy mi amor"
"Thank you now let's go to bed we have a veryyy long day tomorrow"
"Okayy fine"
"Yes now come let's sleep" why doesn't this man wanna have sex with me. He loves leaving ME hanging
"Babe when are we going to have sex"?"I asked him
"You are not ready yet for it now let's sleep"
"Argh fine"
We went to sleep with me literally lying on top of him like he was a big teddy
SPECIAL INSERT FOR OUR Makhumalo tomorrow stay tuned guys. I love youuu

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