Chapter 51

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Pain and Trauma
Faith's Pov

Here I am sitting in this hospital bed hooked to all these machines all because of Kwenzokuhle

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Here I am sitting in this hospital bed hooked to all these machines all because of Kwenzokuhle. He put me in this position and decided to hand himself in. I loved him I still do but living in Thulisiwe's shadow has been hell. He beat me up only because she moved on and got engaged to someone who actually loves and appreciates her. He knows that Lawrence is half a better man than he is and that's what drove home to almost kill me. I wish I never slept with him and took him away from Thulisiwe not only did that come back to bite in the arse it also left me in hospital with a body covered in bruises. I guess it's true when  they say you cannot build a house on another woman's tears that shit will come back to bite you in the end.

Just as I was thinking about my life Thulisiwe walked in looking so beautiful with some chocolate basket and flowers.
"What are you doing here? Are you here to gloat to me and laugh at my pain?" I asked her as she put the things she bought on the pedestal next to the bed.
"Well hello to you too faith, how are you feeling" she asked as she sat down.
"Nxn!! What do you want thuli havnt you done enough to hurt me already?"
"What have I done to hurt you faith? Please don't tell me that nonsense I actually came here to check up on you and to see on how you are recovering I'm not a monster like you and I actually care about your health I don't want that little girl out there to lose her mother" she said as she looked me dead in the eye.
"You don't know what you have done thuli? You honestly don't know? I had to live in your shadow all our lives and when I finally get married and settle down I still had to live under your shadow. I got beaten up because I don't cook like you. I got beaten up because I don't fuck my husband like you did. I got beaten up because and met a new guy and the one beating that took the cup was the one that landed me in hospital because you got engaged." I screamed at her
"What!!! Are you seriously blaming me for all of this? It's not my fault that you wanted everything I have or had. You took this man from Me and you want to blame me for his actions? When are you actually going to grow up faith? You are a mother but acting like a teenager its not My fault that he did what he did to you  and it's also not your fault. It was bound to happen  I guess but it happened and you have learned from it now it's time to move on. I'm going to leave because clearly my presence is not wanted but one thing is for sure never blame me for your mistakes faith you must never do that again. Bye." She stood up took her bag and left. I felt like shit after she left because of how I acted towards her and everything
Thulisiwe Pov

Faith can be such a bitch! How can she blame me for kwenzo's actions?i was not even there when it happened it's not my fault that she played with fire and got burnt

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Faith can be such a bitch! How can she blame me for kwenzo's actions?i was not even there when it happened it's not my fault that she played with fire and got burnt.
"Babyy" I said to Lawrence as I sat next to him outside with the kids running around in the back yard.
"Hey love, how was the visit to faith?'
"It was horrible babe! She blames me for all the abuse she endured in that house."
"Haibo!! Is she crazy? Why would she Blame you? It's not your fault she got with him and she must take responsibility for their actions and not blame you babe"
"I know but I think it's because she us hurt babe and she Is taking it all out on me"
"But still it's wrong. Yes kwenzo was wrong for laying his hands on her but that doesn't mean you are to blame for that. They had their own issues babe and right now she is trying to find someone to blame for all of this and you are the scapegoat. Now you should give her some space for her to realize and understand what is going on because she is still confused and doesn't understand that you were only trying to help her out by being there for her"
"I should have kept my distance after all she did me wrong a million times but I forgive her and move on I wad just trying to let her know that she is not alone but I guess she wants to be alone in this whole thing so I'm going to take a step back and leave her alone"
"Yes just give her time to cool off then maybe in the layer stage you guts will be able to have a conversation about what actually transpired between the both of you guys and how you can move past it"
"I guess you have a point and I will do just that. But now I want to cuddle with my man" I Said lying on top of him.
"You are such a babyy" he said rubbing my back as I put my head on his chest and fell asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat

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