Chapter 30

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Being a mother is the best feeling ever! We have been back home with our little prince for 3 weeks now and it's been hell. I don't remember the last time I had a peaceful sleep if I'm not helping ndalo with her school things I'm nursing Nkosana. I feel so alone in this pregnancy thing kwenzo has been so busy with work we barely see him at home. He spends time with his kids on the weekend only. Oh well today is Saturday and the family is coming to see our Nkosana for the first time since he has been born and I'm in the kitchen with Maria.
"Uhm Maria can you please get ndalo ready for me while I go and take a birth since nkosana is still napping" I asked her drinking some water.
"Okay madam no problem but before I go I just wanted to ask you on how you are coping with being a mother to a newborn?" She asked
"I'm managing I just wish my mother was still alive and she would help me because I'm a first time mother" I said with a heavy sigh
"Everything will be fine madam just put your faith in God and I'm also here to help you with anything that you need" she said with a motherly smile
"Thank you so much Maria I really appreciate it let me get ready before the family arrives" I said leaving her in the kitchen. In all honest I did miss my mom because wow I was just doing this on my own. Kwenzo barely helps me with nkosana. If he cries in the middle of the night I'm the one thar wakes up while he just sleeps. But let me not  focus on that let me get ready.
I took a bath and put on a simple outfit. I was losing my baby weight so fast because of the stress I have.
I put on some sweats and a little make up to feel good I havnt done that in a while.

I put on some sweats and a little make up to feel good I havnt done that in a while

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*The Doorbell rings*
I guess the family is here and kwenzo is no where to be found. I went downstairs to greet and welcome them.
"Sanibonani boNgcobo" I said hugging everyone
"Sawubona makoti unjani kodwa?" Baba asked
"Ngiyaphila Baba usaphilile yini wena Baba?" I asked with a smile.
"Ewu siyangcenga makoti" he said sitting down in the lounge.
"Makoti uphi ukwenzokuhle?" Mah asked looking around trying to locate him.
"Usaphumile kwamanje mah" I said serving them some snacks with drinks.
"Oh okay uphi umfana ka gogo phela sizobona yena namuhla?"
"Ulele kodwa ithi ngize maye mah" with that said I went upstairs and found my heart keeper sleeping so peaceful. I carefully carried him downstairs to the family.

"Awuu he is soo cute" Busiseka said with tears in her eyes

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"Awuu he is soo cute" Busiseka said with tears in her eyes.
"Awuu umfana ka gogo yena" mah said making those kissing sounds.
"Ngiyabongele" I said with a smile I was happy my child had a family that loved him something I didn't have.
"Hayi usebenzile makoti muhle umfana ufana no yise" Baba said
"Awuthi ngiyomlalise bese sihambe siyodla" I said and I went and put him back in his cot switching on the baby monitor.

We sat down and had dinner while conversing and kwenzo entered the lounge looking shocked to see his parents.
"Sanibonani boMapholoba" he said sitting next to his brother since his seat was occupied.
"Uvalaphi kwenzokuhle?" That's the first thing ubaba asked.
"I was at the office sorting out some issues" he responded eating his food.
"Ibingakwazi ukulinda lawo ma issues kuze kushaye umsombuluko?" Dad asked still fuming
"Cha bewangeke akwazj ukulinda"
"Mmh ngiyabona" Baba said looking at him straight in his eyes. I couldn't care anymore about kwenzo he was clearly not ready for nkosana.

Everyone finished eating and me and busiseka took the dishes and went to the kitchen and started washing them.
"You know seeing nkosana reminds me of my son banele" she says wiping the dishes
"You had a son? Where is he?" I asked in a state of shock.
"Yes I had a son and he passed away when he was 8 months due to a lung disease" she says and tears started falling from her eyes. I could tell that her sons passing still hurt her.
"I'm sorry mngani I didn't know" I said hugging her
"It's okay it's God's will" she said
"Yeah and his will sometimes hurts us but I'm deeply sorry for your loss" I said
"Yeah I just wish he had been born on time the none of this would have happened he would still be alive "
"He was born prematurely? Oh my God chomii askies don't cry" I rubbed her back
"It's all good and maybe one day when I'm ready I will open up to you about what happened to him" she says wiping her tears with a tissue.
"Don't rush yourself chomii when you are ready just know that I'm here for you" I said to her and kwenzo came in
"Makhumalo can I speak to you?" He asked
"No I'm busy whatever you want to discuss can wait until I'm done with what I'm doing" I said with my back turned to him.
"It's important mahn Thulisiwe"
"Kwenzo I said I'm busy kanti awungizwa yini?" I left the kitchen to the lounge to ignore.  Kwenzo is full of shit shame and Mina I won't entertain him

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