Chapter 38

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The Day Of The Divorce Proceedings
It's been 3 weeks since the family meeting and today it's the day of my Divorce Proceedings. I've blocked my parents and my in laws. There only people that I talk to in the Ngcobo family is Busiseka, Nkosiyabo and Bukhosi only. Right now I'm getting ready to set myself free from Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo I never thought we could get to this point but I guess not every arranged marriage works out. Busiseka took Nkosana and Ndalo because she understood that this day is going to be emotionally draining. I got ready and went to my lawyers office we both decided to settle out of court to avoid court proceedings and everything.

 I got ready and went to my lawyers office we both decided to settle out of court to avoid court proceedings and everything

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I got in there looking classy and ready to be a single mother. I got in the boardroom and there was kwenzo with his lawyer and Mr Glober.
"Good morning sorry that I'm late I had to drop my kids off first before coming here." I said sitting down next to my lawyers.
"It's okay now that you are here can we please proceed" Mr Glober said.
"My client will give your client the divorce only if she gives my client full custody of the kids" Kwenzo's lawyers said.
"What that's insane, I'm not giving you my kids kwenzo when was the last time you spent time with your kids and all of a sudden you want them"
"That's the condition Makhumalo it's either you take it or leave it" he said with a smirk
"Well Mr Ngcobo we both know that you are doing this to be spiteful. I propose a joint custody all my client wants is for you to be a father to the kids that's all don't make this any difficult for all of us"
"We will take it with a proper visitation schedule and everything"
"Okay good now can you please sign the divorce paper"
Kwenzo signed the papers and our lawyers shook hands.
"Okay the divorce degree will be out in 14days"
"Okay we will wait for it"
"Uhm we will give you guys some space"
The lawyers left us and kwenzo decided to start the conversation.
"You know that ndalo is not legally your daughter right?"
"I do but she knows me as her mother and I'm already adopting her legally so don't worry about that"
"I hope you don't regret your decision you should have just let me take faith as a second wife"
"Hahaha very funny your dick game is not that great so I'm good. See you next weekend when I drop of the kids bye"

I left with feeling very happy. I finally did one thing I was sacred to do the most but hey on the bright side I get to fall in love properly and marry someone I choose for myself. I went to my shop to check how everything was going and my ex mother in law came in with faith arghh what do they want.
"Thank god you finally left my son now I can stop pretending to like you" mah said
"The feeling us mutual I hope you are happy with your new daughter in law" I said smiling at them
"Yes faith is giving me a grand child and we will decide on whether to invite you or not"
"No thank you but I will be sure to drop off the kids for all the events. If you excuse me I have to go back to work" I left them there
I never thought Thulisiwe would leave me but now here we are divorced and co-parenting. I suppose to get married to faith. I love her she is fun and adventurous sex with her is amazing and now she is giving me my third child. I feel bad for not bonding with nkosana but I guess never late than never. Faith moved in with me and we got a new house keeper and she revamped the whole house to add her own touch.
"Babe I'm back" faith shouted
"I'm in the lounge" I shouted back
"How was your day love?" I said kissing her
"Good you know your mother is a lovely woman we had so much fun and we met Thulisiwe at her store"
"Mmh okay well my divorce got finalized"
"Yess finally now we have do our marriage I want it to be traditional though"
"Whatever you want baby"
"I love you faith"
"I love you too babe"
They are finally divorce and kwenzo thinks he found his loml but he is in for a surprise

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