Chapter 19

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These past 4 days have been soo hard like kuhle's family is toxic as fuck and I just can't deal with them but I guess I will have to tolerate them for my baby's birthday today but after this I don't want anything to do with them and the fact that they are spending the night in my house is driving me insane. I got out of the toxic situation with my parents and I'm not trying to go back there with my in laws. Anyways back to the fun part it's my little pumpkins birthday today and she is turning 4 I'm sooo excited.

It's 8am in the morning and my baby is still sleeping. Precious the planner and her team did an amazing job with the decorations. They are already do and it looks so beautiful I just can't wait for my princess to see it. I went to wake her up with kwenzo in her room.
she woke up and smiled jumping with joy and hug both of us.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY princess" I said bombarding her with loads of kisses
"Thank you mommy"she smiled
"So how about we get you ready and we can have some breakfast as a family?" Kwenzo asked with this smile on his face.
"Okay daddy" I got her ready while kwenzo went downstairs and locked the door that led to the backyard so that she wouldn't go that side. I finished getting her ready and we had breakfast with her being soo happy I've never seen her this happy.
"Daddy is gogo and mkhulu coming for my birthday?"
Ndalo asked
"Yes they are coming the are even sleeping over" he responded holding my hand I just kept quiet and continued eating. Ndalo suggested we watch a movie until the family got here and we did not for long though and she felt asleep I was going to wake her up at 12h00 when the party is about to start.

As we were sitting in the lounge the door bell rang and kwenzo went to open the door and in waked in his parents with mine. Arghh can't this day get any worse
"Sawubona makoti" they all said hugging me
"Yebo mah nawe baba" I responded
"Baba I didn't know that you were coming " I said looking at him as he sat down next to his evil wife
"How would you know if you didn't call us to invite us to this party." Stepmother replied
"Mmh maybe because I didn't want you here" I said I have built so much self confidence and I wasn't going to let anyone treat me like shit not even my stepmother.
"Kuyasho ukuthi lento umamezala wakho ubekhala ngayo iqiniso usuyadelela Thulisiwe futhi uyaphendula" stepmother said
"Please this is my daughter's birthday and I would appreciate it if you respect my wife and this party or I will have all of you evicted now please excuse us as we go get ready" kwenzo said taking my hand and leading me into the bedroom.
"Bengisacela ukuthi ungakhathazeki ngalaba Bathu mamzi ngoba uNgcobo omncane lo osesisiwini uzosuke akhathazeke naye" he said looking down at me with his sexy eyes and charming voice
"Hmm okay baby woza siqoke phela ngoba ngiyakubona ukuthi usungibheke kanjani" I said laughing leading him to the bathroom. We had an innocent show and he went to take ndalo so she could get dressed with us. We all finished getting ready and went downstairs for the party to begin.
Their outfits

Miss party in a cute little tutu dress

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Miss party in a cute little tutu dress

Miss party in a cute little tutu dress

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