chapter 2

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When I got to my room I cried so hard I missed my mother, if she was here I wouldn't be getting married to that arrogant man. I cried until I fell asleep, The week went by soo quickly before I knew it, it was Thursday
I woke up feeling down and I called my bestie faith
Phone conversation
Faith:Hii chomie

Me: how are you mngani?

Faith: I'm good chomii I can't wait for your lobola negotiations I am coming tomorrow chomiiii

Me:Yessssss!!! I can't wait to seee you I wish my mom was here though

Faith: ohhh friend don't worry about it I know she is looking down at you and smiling proudly of the woman you have become chomii don't worry every will work out

Me: yeah I guess you are right, ohh well let me go and help ma with the preparation see you tomorrow mnganii I love youuu

Faith: I love you too chomiii

Call ended

When I got downstairs I saw my aunts from my Dad's side and their children. I saw that my aunts from my mother's side where not invited it was only the ones from my stepmother's side. I greeted everyone and went to the kitchen to help aunt khayi cook.

Aunt k:Thuli ngane yami woza uzongisiza lana ngama bodo (Thuli my child come help me with the pots)

Me:Kunjani aunt I missed you sooo much

Aunt k: I missed you too eyy but you know how your father is he doesn't allow us to visit unless there is a function like this one

Me:Yeah I've been locked up in this house ever since I came back from cape Town

Aunt k: kuzolunga ngane yamii now tell me are you ready for marriage?

Me: I don't know auntie k but I don't have a choice dad really needs to make partner in this company so I just have to do it for him

Auntie k: I'm sorry my child if it gets too much you can always come to my house you know that you are always welcome

Me: I know and I am greatful

We finished cooking everyone ate and I had to wash the dishes while my cousins sat and did nothing and my father didn't even say anything about it I can't wait for faith to come

Fiday:Day before the negotiation

Faith arrived in the morning and we did everything we needed to do for the preparation. She took me to the salon to do my nails and hair and boy did I look hot!!!!!

Faith:chomii you look hot like a heator!!

Me:Like a bomb!!!

Faith:Kwenzokuhle will faint when he sees you tomorrow chomii

She wasn't lying I did look beautiful but our fun was cuf short when Dad kept calling me telling me to come home as tomorrow was my lobola negotiations

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She wasn't lying I did look beautiful but our fun was cuf short when Dad kept calling me telling me to come home as tomorrow was my lobola negotiations. Arghh I hate this man why can't I have peace.

We went home and started helping with the final preparations and the went to sleep with my drunk aunts singing wedding songs

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