Chapter 53

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Friday~Day before the lobola negotiations                                                                                                       Today is the day before the lobola negotiation and I'm ready the Ngcobo homestead to get this over and done with. I'm not going to lie I am very nerves and scared because at some point those were my in-laws and they meant something to me, so me going there brings back the memories of my Membeso and my wedding festivities with Kwenzo but I guess in life everything happens for a reason.                                                                                                              {As I am sitting thinking, my man comes in the bedroom taking me out of my train of thoughts}                                                                                                                                                    "Baby are you okay? You seem very lost in your thoughts" He asked looking very concerned                                                                                                                        "Yeah baby I'm okay, its just that I am a little worried about how this weekend is going to go about. I want everything to go smoothly and I don't trust the Ngcobo's to not ruin this whole thing especially Kwenzo's mother"                                                                                                                               "Don't worry baby I am going to make sure that this weekend turns out perfectly nothing is going to ruin it, by the end of this weekend you will be my wife traditionally and then you can start planning our wedding my love" He said reassuring me and giving me forehead kisses.                                                                                                                             "I know you will babe, I love you so much and thank you for loving me" I said kissing him and he started running his hands on my body trying to take off my clothes.                                                 "Baby I would love to devour that body of yours but you need to get going and my sisters are going to accompany you to ensure that Ngcobo's don't  hurt you" he said pulling out of the kiss and carrying my bags taking them down stairs                                                                                              {The both of us walked down the stairs to find Lawrence's sisters playing with my was his eldest sister kelebogile and Keabetswe and boy are they pretty,their moms gens are so strong only Lawrence  looks like his dad}                                                                                                                                                "Hey sisterin law are you ready to go?" asked  Kele while holding Ndalo                                                         "Yeah I am a little nervous thank you so much you guy for agreeing to accompany me to the Ngcobo's, I really appreciate it" I said hugging them                                                                                              "You are family now Thulisiwe and family always has each others backs no matter what" Kea said holding my hands.                                                                                                                                            "I never really thought I would ever have people like you guys to support me ever since my mother passed away, I have always been on my own and to have you guys in my corner means the world to me" I said with tears streaming down my face, I can't believe this is me with about to have a real family after everything that I went through in Kwenzo's hands I didn't think this would ever be possible for me.                                                                                                                                                                         "We love you and you are our sister, we are happy that you are joining the family so now its time for us to go and make that official, because once we start getting emotional we are going to be late and we don't want that. already the Ngcobo's hate us lets not give them more reasons to" Kele  said after hugging me and we started making our way out, I kissed my babies and made sure that they are okay  "I am one phone call away okay!, you guys must call me if they try to mistreat you or anything of that sort' Lawrence said giving me a kiss "I love you okay! don't forget that" I nodded my head kissing him back.                                                                                                                                                                               {We made our way to the Ngcobo's homestead in Kzn, it was a 4 hours drive to get there, along the way me and kea rotated in driving so that we wouldn't get there tired and so that we could get there fast. We got there at 15h00 driving in the homestead was so scary, so many of Kwenzo's family and my parents were also there with my uncles. it felt like and intervention instead of my negotiations. We parked the car and got out, kele and kea both held my hands as reassurance that they were here for me. We entered the main house were everyone was gathered and greeted all the elders}                         "You are late! this is no time for a bride to show up" said my step mother                                                    "I am sorry I got held up, there was a lot of traffic on the N3 mother" I said trying to be respectful to my so called mother                                                                                                                                          "Anyways now that you are here, you need to prepare for tomorrow so you will need to cook and prepare everything for your lobola negotiations" Kwenzo"s aunts said looking at me and Lawrence's sisters with a smug look on their faces.                                                                                                             "okay that's fine, in any case this will be the last time I have to do this here, before any of that I would love to find out about how everything is going to happen" I said back looking at them and one of the uncles sigh before he started talking.                                                                                                            "Makoti are you sure about this? all marriages have issues no marriage is a bed of roses, are you sure you can't forgive my nephew here and try to fix the marriage?" he asked                                                   "No, I am done with kwenzo so can we please talk about what I asked you about malume" I said getting annoyed these people don't get tired of  trying to fix a marriage that is non-existent                  "Ngiyaxolisa ngane yami, into ezoyenzeka ukuthi ksasa ekseni singene esibayeni ngaphambi kokuthi abakhongi bafike ukuze sikwazi ukubhikela abaphansi ngesehlukaniso sakho no Kwenzokuhle ukuze bakwazi ukukhulula njengoba uzoshadela kwaMaleka" he said with a serious face, the tension in this room is so crazy you can tell that these people are mad that I am not listening to their advice.               "Ngiyabonga malume, bengisacela ukubuza ukuthi sizolala phi ukuze sizokwazi ukuzi lungiselela ukwenza imisebenzi ekwamele siyenze" I asked ready to leave this room                                                   "In your house Thuli, you do remember that you have house right so you will sleep there"kwenzo's mom said speaking for the first time since I've seen her today.                                                                         "okay I hope you heard that Kwenzo you will have to find another place to sleep at" I said standing up with Kele and Kea not giving them the chance to respond and leaving to show Kea and Kele where we would spend the night.
Looks like Kwenzo's family still hasn't accepted that Thuli has moved on, What do you think is going to happen next?

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